“I’ve only had an orgasm once. With a vibrating thing. I have to have something inside me stimulated at the same time my clit is. It doesn’t make sense, and I’ve never really figured it out. But I—ohh.” I choked on my own saliva as he started moving his fingers again, sliding them deeper.

There was a look of intense focus on his face as he slowly explored my inside walls.

My hips arched and rocked, but he didn’t pay my clit the attention it wanted while he took his time learning my body.

Many of the touches made me move and pant, but I couldn’t tell one from another as far as what it was that my body wanted to get off.

“You’re killing me,” I moaned, when he’d finally made it over every inch of my channel. “I need more.”

“I know you do.” He stroked my clit a few times, making me cry out and rock my hips more. “Let me take care of you, Mariah.”

“I just want to lose it,” I moaned.

The pleasure had started becoming too much, and I needed that ever-elusive release.

My stomach was clenched, my whole damn body tight. And—

He leaned in, sucking lightly on my clit as he stroked some part of me.

The climax hit me—and it hit me hard.

I screamed, bucking against his face as he dragged the orgasm out, and out, and out.

My eyes were stinging when the pleasure finally faded, my hips still rocking a bit.

And his gaze—it was satisfied like I’d never seen it before. “No man has ever brought you pleasure?”

“Never,” I whispered, my throat swollen a little.

“Because you were made for me.” He lowered his teeth back to my clit and slowly, softly,torturouslydragged them over the sensitive skin. “You’ll never go a day without a climax again.”

“Is that a promise?” I asked, my voice slightly rough from the screaming.

“A vow.” He slowly slid a third finger into my channel, stroking whatever he’d found that made me go off like a damn bomb. The reaction wasn’t as intense this time, but shit, it still made me rock. “I want you to drench my fingers one more time before I feed you, Mariah.”

“Like I could ever say no to that,” I practically whimpered.

His growl of approval made my head spin—and then his lips and tongue made me scream.


I spentthe next few hours in a daze.

Ervo was still determined to train, so he led me down into the bottom level of his treehouse—which I hadn’t known existed at all. It was built into the trunk of the tree itself, a massive, multiple-story obstacle course.

And upon seeing it, I realized why he moved so much faster than most of the other seelies I had seen him fighting before.

They were all naturally strong and fast, but he trained—and he must’ve done it often. With crazy-looking wooden and stone devices, he practiced over and over. Honing his skills, preparing for a fight.

I tried to remember all of the steps in my plan, though it had kind of been blown out of the water by what happened earlier. If we were ever going to become actual mates, we would need to become friends.

And though we were making progress, I didn’t really think we were anywhere near that.

Though I did trust Ervo to keep me safe—and to be possessive—I didn’t really know how to make myself believe that he wouldn’t change his mind about wanting me.

The orgasms had been enough to prove to me that he didn’t see me as a female brother, at least.

But wanting to bang someone’s body and understand their mind were completely different, so…