I didn’t look up, but I felt his eyes on me.

The touch must’ve yanked him from his dream—and now he was watching me.

The show was going to get a hell of a lot better, too.

I lowered my lips to the head of his cock, and slowly wrapped them around him.

He throbbed in my mouth.

I lifted my tongue to the underside of him, dragging it slowly up that part of his length.

A fierce roar met my ears, and he lost control.

He thrust deeper into my mouth, his pleasure flooding my tastebuds with the flavor of him.

Damn, getting him off that fast made me feel powerful.

“Mariah,” he growled at me, cupping my face with a massive palm and tugging my lips up off his cock.

“Hmm?” I licked the mess off my lips, and a ferocious snarl shook the bed.

He was on his feet a heartbeat later, stalking to the bathroom.

I blinked at his ass—or where it had been a moment ago.

Had he just ditched me?

Did he not enjoy that?

I’d already started realizing that his reactions to things made zero logical sense to me, so I didn’t let myself jump to conclusions.

Instead, I climbed off the bed and followed him to the bathroom.

He’d left it unlocked, and now the shower was running. His shorts were on the ground, and he stood beneath the flow of the steaming water. One of his palms was on the wall, the other on his cock, giving me a sexy-as-hell side profile as he stroked himself roughly.

His face turned, his eyes molten as they watched me stare at him.

His hand halted on his erection, though.

“Don’t stop for me,” I said, folding my arms over my chest.

His eyes shut momentarily, and he let out a slow breath.

He opened them again… and he slowly resumed stroking himself, up and down, while he stared at me.

Damn, that was hot.

My body flushed as I watched him work his cock.

I wished I had an easier time orgasming, so I could sit on the edge of that damn toilet and just get myself off.

Unfortunately, my body didn’t work that way.

I could still have fun, during sex. It was still enjoyable. I’d just never orgasm.

Which… was pretty damn frustrating, actually.

I pushed those thoughts away, though, as I watched Ervo touch himself. The roll of his hips, the rough motions of his hand on his cock. The curve of his ass, and the movement of his body.