I had to take things slow, of course, move in baby steps… but like I said, it was worth it.

When he was satisfied that my curls were dry enough, and his towel smelled enough like me, he removed it from my hair and wrapped it around his waist.

I’d already rolled my towel up above my breasts, so it would stay in place on its own.

“I’m going to wash my clothes,” I told him, grabbing them off the ground and carrying them to the sink. “I know you guys usually just burn the smell and germs off everything, but I like it when they smell fresh, like soap.” I slid them into the sink, turning the water on.

“I need to finish your food,” he told me, though he leaned up against the wall of the bathroom instead of leaving. His eyes followed my hands as I scrubbed the clothes quickly with soap.

The sexy bastard had no idea what the first step of my plan was, and that made me stupidly excited.

“I’ll help you cook. But you have to eat too,” I warned him. “And sleep next to me afterward. I’m not very tired, but it’s still the middle of the night. We don’t want to end up exhausted during the day.”

“Fine. But when we wake up, I have to train,” he warned me.

“Deal.” I flashed him a quick smile, and his expression grew soft.

A few more minutes passed, and I continued scrubbing my clothes. He finally stepped out of the bathroom, and I heard fabric rustling as he got dressed. The shorts he’d been wearing earlier were still on the floor of the room, so I grabbed them up off the ground and threw them in the sink, washing them too.

When the clothes were as clean as they’d get, I draped them over the edge of the sink to dry, then padded out of the bathroom.

Ervo was cooking in a clean pair of shorts. They were a deep red color instead of his typical black, and I stared at his ass without a shred of shame for a moment before finally crossing the treehouse.

“What can I do?” I asked him, leaning up against the countertop.

He glanced over at me, and then did a double-take when he realized I was still completely naked.

“You can’t cook naked,” he rumbled at me. “Go read a book.”

“Icancook naked, and will,” I said calmly. “We already agreed. Give me something to do.”

His jaw clenched.

He finally handed me a bowl of something that looked vaguely familiar, and a strange whisk that matched the one he’d been using when I woke up. “Whip this until it’s smooth.”

“Okay.” I grabbed the bowl, dragging it to an empty spot in the kitchen, and then got to work whipping it. Though I didn’t look over at Ervo, I felt his eyes on me every couple of seconds. He growled softly a few times, and I forced myself not to grin in response.

The whipping took a while, but I didn’t mind it. I’d always liked cooking.

“What are these ingredients?” I asked him, as we worked. “We only ever had a few things delivered to us.”

“Our visits were unwelcome, so we brought supplies that wouldn’t go bad for a long time,” Ervo explained. “Nothing goes bad quickly in Vevol—not plucked fruit, or pulled vegetables. But the things we brought you would last years, in case you decided to stop answering the door. Many of the men hoped to use fresher ingredients to sway the females into meeting with them, but you know how well that worked.”

Yeah… not well.

It took a little prodding, but as I asked questions, he described the source of every single item we used. They all came from various plants, used in many different ways. My mind spun as I tried to remember all of the names, flavors, and uses for each of the plants.

“I might need a guidebook or something,” I admitted, as Ervo plated the food we’d made.

“You can always ask again.”

“I don’t like asking. It’s a pride thing.” I shrugged lightly. “And I always feel like I should be able to remember after one time. It’s frustrating, because I’m shitty at memorizing fae names and whatnot.”

“You don’t need to know anyone’s name but mine,” Ervo said bluntly.

I snorted, and his lips curved upward just slightly.

We took the food to the bed, and he stopped at the edge of the mattress, watching me slide up onto it. His gaze lingered a bit too long, but I didn’t let him know that I’d noticed.