There was a long moment of silence between us, but it was so, so comfortable.

His arms tightened around my back. “I should’ve done more, sooner.”

“What happened down there needed to happen,” I murmured, hoping it would help him realize that he’d done more than enough. “North challenged Fovea. They’re going to fight during the full moon, and she’s going to lose. But when she loses, she’ll become second-in-command, and we’ll have some say in how the fae women function. The female fae realized that January is a harsh who’s pregnant, which means there’s a chance they could get pregnant too. I feel like that’s going to change everything for them.”

“You still should never have been in danger like that.”

Damn, he was persistent.

I needed… to distract him.


So I changed the subject. “Have you eaten?”

Sometimes food could be the best distraction.


I scrambled for another distraction.

The only one I could really come up with was… well, me.

“I’m going to shower. Do you think you could come and stay by me while I do?” I checked. “I don’t want to be alone right now.”

Though I wasn’t looking up at him when I asked the question, I could feel his stare.

He didn’t answer.

I waited a minute, and then another.

His cock was hardening against my abdomen, and damn, I loved that.

“Yes,” he finally growled.


I fought the urge to do some kind of terrible victory dance.

I would enjoy thehellout of distracting him with my naked body.

“Perfect.” I brushed my lips over his nipple, fighting a grin at the way his erection throbbed against my belly.

When I started to step away, he didn’t release me.

I lifted my gaze to his. “You have to let go, if I’m going to get in the shower.”

His reluctance was evident, but he finally released his hold on my waist.

My hips swayed heavily as I strode to the bathroom. Ervo’s hand snaked around me, gripping my hip tightly as he stepped up right behind me. My ass brushed his erection with every motion, and his chest was rumbling when we made it to the bathroom.

He leaned with me when I stretched into the shower to turn the water on, and then stepped back with me when I did the same so I could strip my clothes off.

The man inhaled sharply when my tank top went over my head.

He took another two steps back until his ass met the sink, his hands gripping the edge of it like it was the only thing stopping him from reaching over and grabbingme.

I slid my shorts down my thighs, dropping them on the ground and then reaching up to my hair. I’d spent an insane amount of time trying to keep it smooth and under control back on Earth, because my family required it. So, since I’d come to Vevol, I simply let the curls do what they wanted and put them up in a puff on top of my head.