Exhaustion begunto settle into my bones as soon as we were far enough from the cave not to see or hear anyone else.

I leaned against him, barely managing to keep my eyes open so I didn’t fall asleep and plummet off his back. He probably wouldn’t let me, but I didn’t know if he was back to his right-mind yet, so I wasn’t going to risk it.

The forest was silent and peaceful as we flew for hours, and the sun was setting when we finally reached Ervo’s house.

I gripped his feathers tightly until they morphed into skin, and then loosened my hold on his muscles.

He walked me straight into the kitchen, his hand spread under my ass to hold me upright as he pulled out a pan and started cooking.

“I need to sleep,” I whispered to him, so exhausted I was dizzy.

“After you’ve eaten.”

I sighed, dropping my forehead to his shoulder.

Every time I started to doze, he’d squeeze my ass, waking me up.

A few minutes later—which felt like much, much longer—he was carrying me and a large plate of food to the bed. When he sat down on the mattress, he set me down next to him and put the plate on his lap.

One of his hands stopped me when I started lowering my back to the bed. The other hand scooped up a spoonful of food, lifting it to my mouth. I was too exhausted to even look at it and see what it was, so I shook my head at him.

“Eat, and I’ll let you sleep.” He pressed the spoon to my lips. “Your stomach stopped growling a few hours ago; you’ve got to eat.”

I groaned, but the sound didn’t earn me any compassion.

So, I finally opened my mouth.

He slipped the spoon inside, removing it so I could chew and swallow. The man had another bite ready by the time I was done with the first, and when he wouldn’t take no for an answer, I accepted it.

Slowly, I made my way through the entire plate he’d made for me.

When I was finally done, I fell asleep before my head even hit the pillow.

When I woke up,I felt severely disoriented. There was drool on my chin, and sweat soaking my sheets and pillow.

The smell surrounding me was incredible, but something about the situation felt wrong.

I finally cracked my eyes open and looked around.

I was… in Ervo’s bed.

But where was Ervo?

Carefully, I picked my head up and looked around the room.

I found the man in the kitchen, stirring something violently.

“How long was I asleep?” I rasped to him.

“Over a day,” he growled back.

A glance out at the forest beyond the balcony told me it was probably the middle of the night.

The blankets next to me weren’t warm, and the yummy scent on them wasn’t fresh.


“Did you sleep next to me?” I asked.