“I do,” I said bluntly.

It was the truth.

It was faster than I wanted, but Ididstill want it.

“I’ll leave you two to figure it out. Take as much time as you need; there are some unseelie bastards our world would be better off with—” Nev began, but cut himself off when the ground beneath me rippled.

I looked down in time to fall through the portal that had appeared beneath my feet as a familiar female voice said my name.


Ana’s word rippled through the air as I landed on my ass in a room I didn’t know.

The air was cold and humid, the stone beneath me rough and icy.

A group of the other ex-human women were lined up against a wall beside me, with something that looked like blood smeared on their faces in lines that had to be some kind of ancient glyphs. I tried to look at all of them, to see if my closest friends were there.

Sunny and Dots were missing—I realized that, and counted the rest of the women quickly.


Five were missing, then, because there were twenty of us in total, myself included.

They all looked absolutely terrified.

At the end of the row, North was on her knees. There were tears streaking down her face, and January and Ana had their arms wrapped around her, like they were holding the dark-haired oracle in place.

Ana’s gaze met mine and her lips formed two words, her expression dark and panicked.

Those two words made my stomach clench.

“I’m sorry.”

Ana didn’t apologize.

She wasn’t a bad person—I’d known her four years, and probably knew more about her than any of the other current seelie ladies did. She had been in the military, and horrible things had happened to her. Without any family to call her own, she had spiraled when she was released from duty.

And now, she wasapologizingto me.

A heavy thud sounded on my right, and my head jerked in that direction.

I was still on the ground, on my hands and knees.

And now, Priel’s bleeding, unconscious body was less than a foot from my face.

The man lookedhorrible.

There were cuts on his face, and arms, and chest. None of them looked shallow, and all of them bled profusely.

My stomach rolled.

Was this because of me?

My gaze lifted to the woman in front me.


Fear and hatred welled up inside me as one.