Lian surged toward us when we landed, snarling, “Where are they?”

“Control your temper when you speak to my female or I’ll control it for you, brother,” Ervo growled back.

Considering the phoenix was barely keeping his own anger under control, I found the threat kind of ironic. But then again, when had Ervo not been protective of me like that?

“My mate and the child she’s growing have been captured by women who would keep them away from me for the rest of their lives, and apparently have the magic to do so,” Lian said through gritted teeth. “Excuse me for having atemper.”

I put a hand on Ervo’s abdomen, stepping up next to him and quickly saying, “It’s okay. I get it. The fae women took our ladies to a cave whose entrance was a crack between two rocks, and then sealed it with magic after they went in. I’m sure you’ve already figured it out, but I’m pretty sure they’re performing the sacrifice-ceremony to determine whether or not the women are life-bringers.”

“And they undoubtedly have a plan to keep our females from us if they are,” Priel growled.

“Maybe,” I agreed. “But North is probably going to be the lead life-bringer after they’ve finished their identification ceremony, which will change things. If worst comes to worst, we can use me as bait.”

“No.” Ervo’s voice was hard.

“We’ll rip their fucking throats out before that,” Lian said darkly.

“Okay, let’s not do that,” I said quickly. “Let’s just get to them and see what happens.”

“None of the women die, human or fae,” another man growled from somewhere nearby.”

I nodded. “Agreed.”

And with that, we took to the sky.

About three-quartersof the way there, Lian suddenly vanished from where he had been flying beside me.

I blinked rapidly at the place the missing dragon had been.

Below us, I heard a few growls. When I looked down, Priel was also gone.


Aeven, who was a sabertooth, was gone when my gaze moved to wherehehad been.

We flew faster, then, worried that the women had been hurt in some way.

Twenty minutes later,we were standing in front of the cave. It was still sealed up tight, and I couldn’t hear a damn thing.

When I started walking toward it, Ervo stopped me with a hand on my hip. His chest met my back, and he murmured, “You’re not going anywhere near that.”

And then he pulled me more tightly against him.


Okay, then.

Honestly, I was too exhausted to complain. And even if I wasn’t, my nerves were absolutely shot.

One of the unseelies I didn’t recognize prowled toward the stone boulder and put a hand on it. A moment later, the stones split the way they had been before.

The unseelie man looked toward us.

As if in slow motion, I watched as a massive spear cut through his chest from behind.

My heart dropped into my stomach and horror blossomed within me.

The man looked down at the weapon sticking out of him, and then slowly sank to his knees, revealing the female fae leader, Fovea.