And blinked again, slower.

“I think we had a misunderstanding.” I broke the tense silence between us. “I thought you were telling me that I belonged to you like a sibling. Like you had affection for me, but not attraction.”

“I can assure you that isnotthe case.” He stepped closer, pressing his erection against my belly with the motion. I sucked in a breath, and the motion made my breasts press against him.

“Well you should’ve said that earlier,” I finally whispered.

He growled, “And you should’veasked me. Had I known you thought I found you unattractive, I would’ve cleared that up in a heartbeat.”


I believed him.

I really, really believed him.

“So what now?” I asked him.

We had acknowledged that we were interested in each other, but… what did that mean for us? Where did we go from there?

“I don’t know,” Ervo admitted. “I’ve never done this before.”

I bit my lip. “Neither have I.”

He blinked at me. “You’ve never been with a male before?”

Oh, damn.

This conversation was happening already.


“No. I mean, um, yes. I’ve been with a guy before. A few guys. At different times—I’m pretty vanilla, honestly,” I said hastily.

His eyes darkened.


“I’ve never been in a relationship before, I mean. It was always just sex, and I never really enjoyed it. I have a hard time climaxing, I guess. One of the guys made me feel really bad about it once, and I never bothered again. That was before I came to Vevol, though, so like… I don’t know, seven years ago? Shit, that makes me sound like a loser, but—”

His lips landed on mine, softly. Not hesitantly, but not certainly, either.

The kiss surprised me, but I slowly moved my mouth with his, sliding my tongue against the seam of his lips as my hands curled between us.

When he parted them for me, my tongue slid into his mouth, and we both groaned as it met his.

One of his hands wrapped around the back of my head, tilting me more so he had better access as he took over the kiss. The way his tongue stroked mine was slow and sexy, like there was nowhere else he wanted to be, and nothing else he wanted to be doing.

Like he wasn’t dying to get to the sex already, but just wanted to stay where we were and enjoy kissing me.

His other hand wrapped around my thigh, and he used the grip to hoist me up a foot or two. I squeaked into his mouth, wrapping my hands around his shoulders when he set my pelvis a little above his, so the thick length of his erection was pressed against my core.

He halted, pulling away. “Is this okay?” he asked me, his chest rising and falling rapidly. His eyes had shifted a little, I realized, as I saw what looked like sparks and coals rolling through his irises.

“Extremely okay,” I breathed, leaning my head back against the tree and accidentally smooshing his hand a little.

He didn’t seem to mind—probably because he used that same hand to drag my head back to his.

I gripped his face as he kissed me slowly, exploring my mouth so unhurriedly that it started to mess with my mind.