His teeth caught my earlobe, tugging on both of my piercings before he finally straightened and stepped back. When he released his grip on my hip, I ached for his touch, but didn’t turn around to look at him.

The overwhelming feeling that things had just changed hit me—and they hit me hard.

Ervo hadn’t hauled me back to his house, or screwed me against a tree…

But he had just admitted that his feelings didn’t sound like brotherly affection.

And threatened anyone who might so much as consider touching me. Which wasn’t a first, but it felt different that time.

More like… a dare.

As if he was challenging me to try it, to test him. To see if he’d defend me as brutally as he claimed.

But I still remembered the last time he had tried to kill someone for being involved in hurting me.

The way I’d landed on my knees, in front of him.

The way he’d snarled at me that I should never kneel for a man.

The way he had let the hellhounds live, despite his clear hatred for them and what they’d let Clevv do to me.

And shit, even thinking about Clevv and the way he had met his end made me nauseous.

I wasn’t going to let my thoughts linger there, though.

I was going to meet his challenge, and I was going to meet it head-on.

Ervo didn’t like that I’d been alone with another man. He’d followed me, like a damn stalker. And afterward, he had tracked me down and tried to stake a claim on me.

But he hadn’t asked me to be his mate yet.

He hadn’t tried to kiss me again, or to make me smell more like him.

He hadn’t insisted that I spend every night in his bed.

He knew that he cared about me, and wanted me, but he didn’t understand how much.

And a smirk stretched my lips when I realized what I was going to do to help him figure it out.

My plan bubbled silentlywithin me as I found Dots and most of the unseelie girls. They were all talking to pairs of fae men, each lost in their conversation.

I was sure it hadn’t been easy to get the unseelie girls to walk away from each other long enough to have real conversations with the men, but imagined that the idea of that knowledge and power was worth more than their cliques to them.

“Mare!” Dots waved me over, flashing me a grin. There were two men with her—neither of which was Nev—but I crossed the distance between us and gave her a quick hug.

Like January, she was a hugger.

I never had been, back on Earth. Mostly because it wasn’t an option for me. My family weren’t that kind of people.

Even if they had been, I wouldn’t have wanted to hug them. There was no love lost between us—because that love had never existed.

But I’d discovered, in Vevol, that I had an affinity for any physical contact, really. There was something about touching someone else, whether a brush of a hand or a fierce hug, that made me feel as if I mattered to them.

And I’d grown awfully addicted to mattering to people. Well, to mattering at all.

I supposed that was because I had never felt that way on Earth.

“Do you want to learn the magic too?” she asked me.