“Oof,” I huffed, being squeezed against Ervo’s chest by two people at once.

The thick hardness of his gigantic erection pressed against my lower belly, but of course he didn’t acknowledge it.

So I didn’t either.

She released me a minute later, and Ervo did too.

I stepped away, straightening and flashing a smile at the fae man I’d flown with when I saw him beaming. Though I didn’t know his name, I was fairly certain he didn’t think the flight was any more serious than it had been. We hadn’t touched or anything.

“We heard that you’re starting a war,” January said with a grin.

I shook my head. “Hopefully not a war. I just refuse to be locked up in there any longer.” I tossed a hand toward the building. “The female fae want to use us like animals for breeding, assuming we pass their Life-Bringer test.”

“Which you probably will, assuming you had a period back on Earth,” January said.


“I already got the same offer. They’ll feed me, clothe me, and take care of me, all for the small price of ditching my mate.” She rolled her eyes at me. “Maybe they don’t know how good the sex is.”

“Or how nice it feels to have the arms of the man you love wrapped around you,” North said, strolling up to the group. Priel’s arm was around her waist, holding her close to his chest.

I turned toward her. “Have you seen visions of anything shitty?”

She shook her head. “Not yet. It’ll probably take a few days though, if any of this has changed the future.” She gestured around us. “But I agree. Whether or not I have a baby should be my choice, and I’m sure as hell not walking away from Priel. The consequences can be damned for this.”

“Naomi snuck out of the Stronghold with the other unseelie women shortly after you, Sunny, and Dots did,” one of the male fae told me, from across the group. “They saw us agree to protect you and climbed out the same way you did.”

“Suddenly they see the value of men who refuse to bow to authority,” January said drily.

“Late is better than never,” North said with a shrug. “And anyway, I’m sure the seelie aren’t complaining about having more women around.”

Murmurs of agreement rolled through the group.

“Where are they all?” January asked.

“Most are learning to make homes, with Dots. They didn’t realize they could also be taught that magic,” another fae man explained. “The mated women set up a meeting with their unseelie, to let them know the decision they’ve made. Because Naomi is the only permanently mated one, they think that threats to bond with other males will force the unseelies to side with them.”

“There are alotof fae women, though,” I admitted.

“Most of whom believe that sex is only meant for making strong babies, and only for the Life-Bringers,” North countered.

Priel snorted. “Twenty human women who know sex can be enjoyable are more valuable to us than two-hundred fae females who’d cut our cocks off before climbing them.”

North smacked him on the arm, but grumbled agreements seemed to echo through the group.

“The best scenario would be the fae women realizing that things are different now, and that the men aren’t going to act as stud-horses for their babies,” January said. “Maybe if we can show them that mated couples can be happy together, they’ll understand.”

“We have precisely two examples of that,” one of the fae men pointed out.

“Five, if the rest of the seelie girls continue their charade with the Wild Hunt,” another countered.

I felt Ervo tense behind me.

“More pairings will happen naturally as time progresses and the women are allowed their freedom,” Lian said. “The charade has ended, and will not resume. Each woman deserves the right to choose if she will be pursued—whether born a fae or transformed into one. We can’t force the females from the island into complying with our views any more than they can force us. Our efforts would be better spent preparing the next group to go to Earth for the coming Winter Solstice.”

Reluctant murmurs of agreement followed his words.

“January and I will attend the meeting with the unseelies. When we know how they will approach the situation, we’ll speak with the fae females and let them know that the human women have been taken into our protection,” Lian added.