And my conversaion with Sunny and Dots was still lingering at the forefront of my mind.

I needed to do something to show Ervo that he cared more about me than he realized. Possibly by making him jealous.

So I strode toward the guy I’d crashed into, and wrapped my hand around his arm.

“Will you fly with me?” I asked him. I wasn’t perfect at telling the different types of fae apart, but I would’ve put money on him being either a phoenix or a dragon. He just had that look. “After being trapped all day, I want to be in the sky for a bit.”

His eyes brightened. “It would be my pleasure.”

I glanced over my shoulder, looking for Sunny and Dots. They were both grinning at me.

“I want to get out into the forest too,” Sunny declared. “Is there a basilisk here who wants to teach me how to be a damn good snake? My lessons were lacking.” She flashed Teris a look, and his jaw clenched.

Someone nearby shoved his way through the group. “I want to,” he said, his wavy blond hair falling into his eyes. The way Sunny grinned when she took in all that golden skin told me that she most definitely approved.

“I’d like to build a house,” Dots admitted. “Can someone teach me more about the magic I’ll need to know to do so?”

The man nearest to her surged forward. “I can.”

She smiled at him, and he beamed back at her.

Out of the corner of my eye, I noticed Ervo standing statue-still. His fists were clenched, and his eyes were dark.

My chest hurt.

I hated that I was hurting him, but what was the alternative? This flight would either help him realize that I wasn’t going to wait forever for him to figure out that he was interested in me… or it would help me move on.

I was really hoping for option one.

“Ready?” The fae I’d chosen asked me.


He grinned and launched into the sky, shifting into a huge emerald dragon almost immediately after leaving the ground.

I followed him, the reflection of my own sapphire scales bouncing off of his and sending disco-ball-like strips of light over the trees.

All of the fae knew about mine and my friends’ agreement with the Wild Hunt. They knew that Ervo and I weren’t really together.

But they must’ve noticed the way he watched me fly away from him, and the furious calm in his eyes.


We flew for around an hour,until January and Lian caught up to us. She gave me what must’ve been the phoenix version of a grin as we flew together for a few minutes, and even without discussing it, all four of us headed back to the neutral territory that housed the new Stronghold.

I did the whole spiral-to-the-ground thing as we reached it, but screwed it up worse the second time around, and plummeted head-first.

A pair of massive hands plucked me out of the air before I collided with the ground, yanking me against a gigantic chest that I knew a lot better than I should’ve.

I couldn’t help but laugh when the world spun around me while he flipped me over and set me down on my feet. “Thanks.” I grinned at Ervo, as I took a step backward to move away from him.

Or at least, tried to.

His grip on my waist was too tight, holding my chest to his with too much force, for me to pull away.

Our eyes locked together, and the fierce anger inside his made me shiver.

“Mare!” January flung her arms around me, hugging me and Ervo both. She had never been a hugger until recently. But then again, she had only recently gotten pregnant. And discovered real happiness.