A massive phoenix dropped out of the sky and plucked her off of my back, hauling the cursing Sunny as he flew level with me.

I looked over at Ervo, gratitude swelling in my chest.

Dots caught up a moment later, lining up on my other side.

It was time to make a decision.

I really didn’t want to, but…

I was doing it.

Tucking my wings, I dove downward. My body spiraled toward the ground like a real damn fae’s.

I shifted just before I landed, and my feet hit the ground. They did so with way too much force, and I accidentally launched into some guy a few feet away from me.

He crashed to the dirt, and I landed right the hell on top of him.

“Sorry,” I groaned.

He laughed wildly in response. “That was badass, Mare.”

The man knew my nickname.

Of course he did.

There were so many more men interested in all of us than we had ever even met.

A pair of massive hands grabbed me by the waist and hauled me off the male fae’s chest. I was set on my feet, facing a narrow-eyed Ervo.

“What are you doing?” he asked me.

I noticed Teris and Nev near Sunny and Dots, too.

“The female fae locked us in our room and refused to let us leave the Stronghold,” I told Ervo, forcing my voice and expression to remain even. “We assumed that the seelie, of all people, would understand how shitty it is to be controlled.”

Growls of agreement rolled through the large group gathered around us.

This was working in our favor, so I needed to go with it.


Raising my voice, I added, “The fae women want to use us as baby incubators. They don’t want to let us choose mates, and they’ve already said that they won’t allow us to stay with whoever they decide we need to have sex with to make the baby. You know that we used to be human; that we believe in steady, committed relationships. Will you protect us from them?”

Louder growls echoed through the masses.

“Just because the female fae think things need to happen the way they used to doesn’t mean they’re right,” I continued. “If you want real mates, then you need to stand up for yourselves. Tell the Wild Hunt and the unseelie council to fight for you. You’re not just sperm donors; you’re strong men, who deserve not to be used by these women.”

The growls becamesnarlsof agreement, and I turned away from Ervo so I could see more of the men.

“What if this starts the war North warned us of?” one of the fae called out.

“Some things are worth going to war over,” I said simply.

Roars and shouts of agreement followed.

My gaze collided with that of the man I had literally crashed into.

He seemed nice…