“Doooo ittt,” Sunny put on a thick, fake fae accent, and I snorted.

Dots laughed.

“We so need a way out of here. I can’t take another few weeks of this.” Sunny gestured around us. “I miss the bastard who doesn’t even want me as his mate. How screwy is that?”

“Not screwy,” Dots said. “You care about him. Caring about someone isn’t a problem.”

“Right, but I care more. Whichisa problem.”

“Then maybe you reallyshouldkiss another guy,” Dots suggested.

“Eh.” Sunny made a face. “I don’t know.”

“We don’t have to decide anything today. Maybe we should try to escape and see what all is going on out there,” I suggested.

I’d been in such a hurry to get away from Ervo that I hadn’t considered I’d be locked in the Stronghold again when I walked in, honestly.

“We tried a few hours ago and got shut down. The unseelie girls did too. They’re hiding out in their own rooms, and they seemed just as annoyed as us. Except the mated ones; they seemed kind of relieved to have some protection from the guys they’re paired with.”

“Do the men have anything to say about the female fae’s thoughts about mating?” I checked.

“We got thrown in here before we could find out,” Sunny said with a shrug.

I grimaced. “When is the thing to determine whether or not we’re life-bringers going to happen?”

“Tomorrow, I think. The harsh ones are really excited about it.”

I made a face, but didn’t move to get up.

Guess it was going to be a long day.

Time creptby so damn slowly.

When the afternoon came around, I was peering out the window, trying to locate anyone who might stand a chance at getting me out of there. I’d already attempted to get past the harsh ladies downstairs, but no dice. They weren’t budging.

After our last adventure, I was done sitting on my ass. I wanted to live, dammit.

Sunny was throwing a pillow in the air and catching it, bored out of her mind.

“Alright,” Dots finally said. “I didn’t want to do this, but Nev taught me how to use our nature magic. I can break us out of here. It will probably piss off the female fae, though, and this is a dangerous time to do that.”

I whipped around, staring at her.

I gaped at her. “You’ve known this since we got here?”

“Why do we care about pissing them off? They’re going to find out that we’re life-bringers and try to lock us up somewhere!” Sunny exclaimed.

Dots’s face turned pink. “If we go out there, we’re going to have to rely on the Wild Hunt to protect us from the fae women. I didn’t want to put them in that position.”

“And you don’t trust them completely,” Sunny said with a sigh.

“They’re violent.” She lifted a shrug. “It’s a personal rule not to trust anyone violent.”

“The harsh women seem just as dangerous,” Sunny pointed out.

“I’ve never been hurt by a woman,” Dots said simply. “But you guys are right; I’m tired of hiding away. Vevol is beautiful, and I want to live in it. Not just sit around watching movies about humans living lives that will never be ours again. I want to build myself a house in the trees, and decide my own destiny.”

“That was basically a Disney movie monologue, but I support it,” Sunny told her with a grin.