The Stronghold had started feeling like something of a prison, recently.

“You guys are staying here?” I asked them.

Sunny made a face. “We don’t have a choice. The fae chicks are calling the shots now, and they’re not letting any of us out of here until the ritual to determine whether or not we’re life-bringers. I think the fae guys are going to man-up soon and have a talk about things not being the same way they used to be, but who knows when that will happen.”


“Where are North and January?” I checked.

“Their mates swept them away like knights in shining armor,” Sunny grumbled. “Ours, as you can see, did not.”

No kidding.

“Where did Ervo take you?” Dots wondered.

I grimaced. “He was all stressed. Took me to his treehouse. We ate food, slept in the same bed, and then he was good to go.”

Dots’s expression grew apologetic, and Sunny just snorted.

“He’s so clueless,” she said.

“Right?” I dropped to my mattress. “It was nice to get out of here for a few days when we went after the other ladies, though.”

“It really was. I want to live in a tree house, far from here,” Dots said with a sigh. “One with a really good view. It would be nice to wake up to silence, and just look out at the forest every morning.”

“Amen,” Sunny agreed, holding her fist out to Dots. Dots bumped it.

Her words made me ache for the same thing—but not just any treehouse.

The one I wanted, I could clearly envision. With so damn many bookshelves, and a massive bed that smelled like utter heaven, and food sizzling on the stove while a gorgeous monster of a man stirred violently…

Okay, maybe I was getting a little too particular.

“I need to figure out a way to make him realize that he doesn’t just see me as a sister,” I admitted.

“Girl, what you need is to take a page out of North’s book,” Sunny said.

I flashed her a confused look.

“What she did with Clevv? Started looking for another mate, just to ignite the yummy possessiveness? I’d do it myself, if I wasn’t so damn positive that Teris would hand me lube as I walked away.”

Dots rolled her eyes. “He wouldn’t do that.”

“Yeah, he would.”

My forehead wrinkled as memories of Clevv sprung to mind. “That whole thing didn’t work out well for North—or the rest of us.”

Sunny shrugged. “We’re all still alive. North and Priel are mated. Clevv’s in the ground. Things were rough for a minute, but it did work out.”

I grimaced. “I don’t know…”

“You have all those hellhounds who think they owe you their lives,” Dots said. “What if you tell one of them that a kiss to make Ervo jealous is his way to repay you, and that he has to walk away afterward without looking at you again?”

That… well, it wasn’t the worst idea I’d ever heard.

Then again, we had come up with a vast number of shitty ideas in the years we’d been locked in the Stronghold. Most of which involved the fae men in some way, and never ended up happening.

“I’ll think about it,” I finally said.