I gaspedas I jerked upright, finding myself face to face with Clevv.

My body froze.

Just completely froze.

A shudder rolled down my spine.

“I’m here, pretty one.” The hellhound dragged a sharp fingernail down the side of my face.

My mind struggled to put the pieces together.

I hadn’t been seeing the future, that time.

It had to have been the past, didn’t it?

How was that possible?

“Where’s Priel?” My voice wobbled slightly.

Anger flared in the man’s eyes. “We have him restrained. I want him dead, but the rest of the pack wants mates.”



Priel was the only one who could get the portal open—so they needed him.

Relief nearly had me sagging into the mattress, but I was smart enough to realize that things were still really damn serious.

They still had Mare.

And Ervo.

And Sunny and Dots.

And me.

Things werenotstacked in our favor.

“He won’t force you to do anything, ever again,” Clevv practically purred at me. His fingers slid into my hair, his hand cupping the back of my neck.

Instinct told me to argue. To point out that Priel had never forced me to do anything I didn’t silently want to do, that he was my future, and that I wanted him.

But the possessiveness in Clevv’s gaze kept me quiet.

I wasn’t going to encourage him. Not even a little. But arguing would only enrage him, if he really thought I belonged to him. He had already proven he was willing to hurt Mare to find me; there wasn’t a chance in hell that I’d be safe with him.

So I kept my mouth shut.

He leaned toward me, as if to kiss me, and I leaned back.

It was time to lie.

“I’m not ready,” I said, letting my voice shake like it wanted to.

He stilled.

His eyes softened.