“What happened to the Wild Hunt guys?” I checked.

Dots’ and Sunny’s expressions both soured. “The other girls scared them off. That’s why Sunny’s moping. Teris wouldn’t ever agree to bang her, and now she can’t even make out with him.”

“I’m going to kill you,” Sunny muttered, smacking Dots on the arm lightly.

“Then you won’t have anyone to snuggle with,” she pointed out.

Sunny groaned. “We need to get back to the old Stronghold. Things were better there.”

“Until we were attacked and abducted,” Mare muttered.

“Right. Until that.” Sunny pointed a finger gun in her direction. “Any ideas how we can avoid that happening again?” She looked at me.

I shrugged. “Stay here?”

Priel spoke up from the side of the room. “Now that we know it’s a possibility, my brothers will be going through our people, ensuring that none of you are in danger. Both Nev and Ervo are watching the house right now, and I saw Teris run out to meet January and Lian when they landed a few minutes ago.” He gestured toward the window. “You’re safe.”

“But trapped,” Sunny pointed out. “And lonely.”

“We’ll figure out a way to meet up with the guys,” Dots protested. “The girls won’t let us do movie nights or anything with them, but we can always go out there.”

“About that…” I tucked some hair behind my ear. “Have the other girls come up with a way for everyone to interact safely with the men?”

Sunny snorted. “These chicks, interacting politely with fae dudes? That’s never going to happen.”

Dots’ grimace confirmed that.

I admitted, “I have it on good authority that if we can’t amend that, the war is going to break out one way or another.”

No need to tell them that Ervo was the said good authority, right?

“Also, Mare, Ervo seems a little unhinged. Can you just open a window to smile and wave at him or something so he knows you’re alive and well?”

“The windows are sealed shut,” Mare murmured, not looking up from her book.

“Seriously?” I looked at Sunny and Dots.

Dots nodded.

“Who’s in charge?” I asked them.

“There’s a gang of them. Five chicks. They’re the loudest.” Dots made a face.

“No wonder January said it’s like juvie.” I glanced toward the door.

I was suddenly understanding why I was still having dreams about war.

There was a moment of tense silence as I considered our options.

What was there, really?

The men weren’t a danger to each other anymore, but the damn place was going to implode if the women didn’t change their ways.

Or… if the number of women didn’t increase.

Vevol had given me the information. Technically, it should be my call as to when we went after them.

I didn’t feel great about it, but didn’t see another option, either.