“I’m sure she’ll be thrilled about that set of options,”I grumbled back.

His low chuckle made me smile.

“Fuck, is North smiling? What happened?” I heard Ana call from somewhere in the distance. When I turned my head, I saw her standing next to another girl I didn’t recognize, talking to a group of other women. They were building something, or at least trying to, and a bunch of fae men watched them warily from nearby.

My smile morphed into a grimace, but I waved anyway.

Though I understood her overprotectiveness, and had sort of appreciated it at one point, she had encouraged us to be afraid of the fae. And that fear hadn’t benefited any of us, in any way. Things had been so much happier at the Stronghold after the Wild Hunt started coming around, protecting us and whatnot.

The new Stronghold came into view, and I looked it up and down.

It was still made of the bland stone, and stuck out like a sore thumb compared to the natural-looking homes the fae were building in the forest around it.

A second floor had been added to the triangular building, and it had been drastically expanded. Now it was a typical square shape, and much, much larger.

Then again, there were twenty ex-human women, and only a few of us were mated. The mated unseelie ladies didn’t live with their men, as far as I knew, which left eighteen grown-ass women in need of their own space and privacy.

When I considered that there was an unnumbered group of fae women hiding out there, I realized just how much more space we would need.

“Damn,” Priel whistled.

“There are many more women, now,” Ervo agreed, though his gaze was on one of the second-floor windows and wasn’t moving.

I would’ve put money on that being Mare’s window, if money was really a thing in Vevol. They seemed to have some version of it, but considering all the free time they all had, it didn’t seem to matter much in the scheme of things.

We walked up to the door, and Ervo knocked.

“Walking in without permission is supposed to result in castration for male fae,” he told us, his voice low. “It has yet to happen, though.”

I rolled my eyes.

No way in hell was anyone actually cutting anyone else’s balls off. Even Ana wasn’t that crazy.

A girl I didn’t recognize opened the door, her eyes narrowed and suspicious as she looked at me. “North?” she checked.


“Men stay outside. House rule.” She pointed to a couple chairs someone had set up outside.

Priel scoffed. “Not a fucking chance.”

I narrowed my eyes back at the woman, muttering silently for Priel to let me handle this.

If men had dick-measuring contests, women had tit-measuring ones. And I might not have had the biggest physical tits, but I’d make it work.

“My mate poses no threat to anyone here. We both come in, or I walk right the hell away with information that could make your life heremucheasier.”

The more women we had, the more the male fae’s attention would be divided, so I knew without a doubt that I was right.

Everyone’s life would be easier with more ladies for the fae to bother.

She scowled at me but jerked the door open, her glare turning to Ervo. “Unmated men stay out.”

He glowered back at her, but I shot him what I hoped was a promising expression.

I’d talk to Mare for him.

The door slammed behind us, and the girl glared at me for a long moment. “Where the hell have you been?”