We emerged from the cave shortly after, and found January and Calian waiting outside. January was grinning like a fool, and I couldn’t help but mirror the expression.

“Look how cozy the two of you got,” she teased me.

“Extremely cozy,” I admitted, trying to worm my way out of Priel’s arms.

He only held me tighter, shooting me a teasing grin.

“What happened with the unseelie?”

Her smile faded a bit. “It was rough. Really rough. I thought Naomi was going to murder Aeven for a bit, but he pulled through. All the other girls are moved in, and both types of fae have started building houses and shit around the new Stronghold. It’s weird, but I think it’s going to turn out okay. Only a few little fights have broken out, now that the Wild Hunt guys and the unseelie council have started banishing anyone who fights.”


That wasn’t a bad idea at all.

“It’s like juvie in there with all the unseelie chicks running around. They’re kind of bad-ass, but really guarded, and bitchy too. I saved a room for you, though.” She winked at me.

I made a face. “Thanks, but I think I’m gonna keep living here. I like being out of the way, far from the big groups of fae.”

“I figured. The way they talk about you is kind of crazy. Like you’re the chosen one.” She shrugged. “No offense, but even with all that extra magic, you’re still one of us human ladies.”

She winked at me. Honestly, her words and playfulness made me feel good.

Hearing that I was one of them and I always would be, made me feel like I could belong with them if I wanted to, the same way I now belonged with Priel.

She added, “We’re ready for you, though. The unseelies have vowed not to try to steal you away, and apparently their vows are unbreakable or something. It’s time to go after the fae women.”


I hesitated.

“You’re not convinced?” she asked.

“She’s still dreaming about war,” Priel said simply.

January’s grin faded, and Lian’s expression grew serious.

“Seeing the changes for yourselves and testing the unseelies’ vows could help,” he suggested. “They understand your connection to Vevol, and no one will force you to go before you’re ready. No one is willing to risk the fae women.”

I nodded. “We’ll at least go and see what it’s like.”

“It’s weird,” January warned. “The unseelie chicks are a lot less sunshiney than our seelie girls.”

I grimaced. “Thanks for the warning.”

“Sure.” She and Lian smoothly shifted while launching themselves airborne.

I watched the phoenix and dragon fly away before looking at Priel. “Do you think it’ll be safe for me there?”

“I think I’ll kill anyone who tries to touch you, so regardless of how safe it is, you’re going to be fine.”

I rolled my eyes at him, and he flashed me a grin.


“In all honestly, Gorgeous, you’re the only one who knows where the women are. Other than Mare, but no one knows that but the two of us. No one will dare risk pissing you off until the other fae women have been found, and something tells me that after we’ve brought them back, everyone will be too distracted to notice you and I slipping out and heading back home.”

I loved that our cave was home.