“Wow.” I held my eyes closed, hoping everything would stop spinning and his steamy thoughts would slow down. Thinking of January had reminded me about her pregnancy—and the consequences that could follow what we’d just done. “We need to find that plant. I should’ve thought things through more.”

“It took her half a year to get pregnant, even while having sex every day,” Priel said, stroking one of my nipples. “Once wouldn’t be enough to do it.”

“Everyone’s body works differently. We have no way of knowing,” I murmured back.

“Then I’ll find us that damn plant before I take you again.” His growl was somewhere between amused and horny.

More of those images flashed in my mind.

My ass, in his palms.

His cock, driving into my entrance.

“You’re going to kill me if you keep thinking like that,” I groaned.

The images cut off, though he did give me a growly chuckle. “It’s going to be a long time before I can think about anything else, Gorgeous. Get used to it.”

I heaved a sigh at the idea of getting out of bed when I was this horny again already. “Let’s go get the plant, then.”


We putour clothes back on, and then Priel showed me how to get back outside of the cave. His lesson on tapping into Vevol’s magic to discover things about plants was sketchy at best, but it was actually pretty simple. I had to rely on following my feelings, which was difficult at first, but I figured it out.

The plant to suppress fertility was a small red ball-shaped fruit with odd protrusions on the thick, fuzzy skin. They grew on trees in mass quantities, which seemed like a good thing to me. Priel taught me how to eat it as we walked back to the cave, and as he did, the fruit reminded me of an orange. The fuzzy skin needed to be peeled off—he warned me it would make me sick if I tried to eat it. Inside, the fruit was soft but creamy, with thin membranes that made it easy to take apart like an orange was.

I groaned at the flavor when I tasted it; the sweetness and texture reminded me of ice cream, even though it wasn’t cold.

I’d definitely need to stick them in the fridge, or maybe talk Priel into figuring out a way to build a freezer so I could have them like actual ice cream.

If we were going to be having a lot of sex, I would have the perfect excuse to eat a lot of them.

“Why didn’t anyone ever bring these to us?” I asked Priel.

He gave me a sheepish grin. “One of the fae noticed many years ago that eating the fruit changes the thickness of our release. Word spread, and no one has touched them since.” He gestured to his dick, and I realized he was talking about jizz.



If it changedthat, it probably affected male fertility too, which was awesome.

“So it would stop me from getting pregnant,andyou from getting me pregnant. Double protection. Good; we arenothaving a kid soon.” I handed him one of the fruits I was cradling in the crook of my arm. “Eat it, or I’m not participating in the fantasy you keep mentally-flashing me.”

He snorted, but accepted the fruit and began peeling it. “So you don’t want kids?”

I glanced at him sideways. “I don’t know what I want; I’m not even used to living in Vevol yet. If that was going to be a deal-breaker, you probably should’ve asked before we did the deed.”

He flashed me an amused smirk. “You think I could only want you because you can make me a baby, Gorgeous?”

I shrugged. “I don’t think so, but we’ve never talked about it.”

“Our world is still a mess right now. Bringing a small life into it would be terrifying. What if it was a girl, like January said? Can you even imagine how many men I’d have to protect her from?” He shuddered. “There’s been so damn much fighting. And I enjoy the fighting, usually. But at this point, I’d like to spend at least the next decade at home with you.

“Doing what?” I asked.

“Painting. Fucking. Inking that gorgeous skin. Teaching you about our world. You’ve seen so little of it, and it’s an incredible place. You deserve to understand who and what you are now, Polaris, and to have as much time as you need to figure out how your magic works, to prevent it from having so much power over you.”

My lips curved upward. “That sounds perfect. We’ll reevaluate the kid thing in a decade.”