A third finger slowly pierced my back entrance, and I lost it.

The orgasm wasn’t the end, though.

One was never enough for my hellhound; my mate.

He slowed down for a minute, his tongue sliding down, and down, and—

My thoughts pierced the vision, making the moment hazy.

This wasn’t what I wanted.

I didn’t want to see Priel making love to me before I lived the moment; I wanted to beinthe moment.

I wanted to feel him inside me, to watch him touch me.

Not to dream about it, but to live it.

As if thatone thought was enough, I slid out of the vision and woke up sucking in air, blinking sleep from my eyes.

I staredout at the dark cave around me. With the way my sight worked, I wouldn’t have seen any better even if there had been lights to turn on.

My body was hot, and I could feel slickness between my thighs.

Priel’s breathing was even behind me, though, his grip on my breast just as relaxed as the rest of him.

He needed sleep. That was the whole reason he’d taken me away from the Stronghold in the first place, after all. He’d had time to recover since then, but more shit had gone down.


I didn’t think there was a chance in hell that I’d be able to fall back asleep while this horny.

Maneuvering my hand out from where he’d trapped it against my abdomen took a minute, but I let out a relieved breath when I’d freed it.

Parting my legs as much as possible, I slid my hand between my thighs.

A soft groan escaped me when I started to work out the pressure, my hips rocking just slightly. I didn’t let myself move too much, not wanting to wake up Priel, but there was no way to stay completely still.

My breathing picked up as I neared the edge.

A gigantic hand tightened around my breast, squeezing it, and a cry escaped me as I shattered. I’d never been able to give myself a big orgasm, like Priel had given me, but it was a hell of a lot better than nothing.

“What thehellare you doing?” My hound’s groggy voice was in my ear, and he sounded pissed.

“Couldn’t sleep,” I managed, between deep breaths.

His hand left my breast and slid between my thighs. I inhaled sharply as his long, thick fingers delved between my folds, feeling how soaked I was.

His low growl vibrated against my back. “You’d better not have gotten yourself off while I was sleeping.”

My toes curled at the fury in his voice. “Why?”

“Every damn ounce of your pleasure belongs to me, Gorgeous. You steal that from me, and there are going to be consequences.”

Okay, I was dripping.

“What kind of consequences?”

His fingers began stroking my clit, the movements slow but the pressure hard enough to make me see stars.