“Let me take care of you now, and then we can get some sleep or go back to waiting for Clevv.”

He growled fiercely. “Don’t talk about that bastard while you’re touching me.”

I grinned. “What are you going to do to me if I refuse?”

“Maybe I’ll put you on your knees and feed my cock between those sexy little lips.” His grip on my face tightened.

“Don’t tempt me.” I dragged my tongue over his nipple, and his whole body shuddered as he roared, losing control with that sexy, tight grip on my cheeks.


Though the electricitybetween us had wiped away my exhaustion, Priel still made me get some sleep in his arms before we climbed back out of the cave and rejoined the others. Mare was still sleeping on the bean bag thing, so I climbed up next to her.

She woke up a few hours later, and we chatted as the day went on. Priel and Ervo both sat in front of us, taking up a ton of space on the ground with their gigantic bodies.

After the sexy time we’d spent together in the shower, my hound had finally stopped pacing. That made me feel sort of pleased with myself.

That night and the next day passed similarly, though without any moments of escape, despite the awful war dreams I had every time I slept. I would’ve tried to hit on Priel, to get him to take me back to his cave, but the man was growing more on-guard with every hour that passed. He held me when I had a shitty dream, murmuring soft, sweet words to me until the dream was nothing more than an uncomfortable memory, but I could tell his mind was on the things I’d asked him not to do.

His ex-pack had asked Mare two more times if she had determined a punishment, and both times, she answered that she was still deciding.

When the sun set on the third day, we finally heard the cave’s makeshift doors move.

Priel spared enough time to growl at me that I needed tostay right there, before he and Ervo were jogging toward the opening.

Both men were on fire.

Mare and I exchanged nervous expressions as we stood.

Out of the corner of my eye, I noticed the pack of hounds begin moving toward us.

I nudged her arm, tilting my head toward them, and her attention spun to them.

“What are you doing?” she demanded, her voice sharp.

She was always the nicest of us in the Stronghold, so I liked hearing her get angry. It made me feel more normal.

“Protecting you,” one of the hounds said, his voice low as the line of them wrapped around us.

“If you won’t end us, we’ll serve you until we’ve paid off our debt,” another of the men said, his fists clenching at his sides as he stared out at the pair of Wild Hunt guys waiting in front of Clevv’s cave.

“How long do you have to serve to pay off a debt that you want me to kill you for?” Mare protested.

“Eternally.” The hounds’ solemn response would’ve made me laugh if it was anything but serious.

Unfortunately, it was honest.

Mare and I exchanged wide-eye glances, and then she grabbed my arm, holding on tightly.

We peered around the hounds as Clevv yelled, “I wish to make amends.”


Was he serious?

We were definitely past that, given the fact that he’d hurt Mare and abducted me.

Just in case it came to a fight, I shifted forms. Fire and smoke trailed off of my body, and I stepped in front of Mare.