“None,” I growled back.

Silence surrounded us as our eyes remained locked together. I could see the shock in his, and my toes curled as I watched it transform to hot, possessive need.

And slowly, he resumed the motions of his hand.

My knees knocked together as the pleasure swelled within me.

My nails dug into his shoulder and back as I lost control with a cry, and he growled his approval when the scent of his blood met my nose.

“I made you bleed,” I panted, still rocking my hips lightly.

“If you knew how hard that makes me, you’d keep those sexy little claws to yourself,” he grumbled back, not removing his fingers from inside me.

“Why? You heal fast.”

“That’s fucking right. I like the pain.”

“I know you do. Oracle, remember?” I flashed him a smirk, and his eyes heated.

His grip on my core and hip tightened. “What are you going to do to me in our future, Gorgeous?”

I lifted a shoulder. “You’ll just have to wait and see.”

When I eased his hand out from between my thighs, he let me step away and grab the oddly-shaped soap. Before I could drag it over my body, he plucked it from my fingers and spun me around so my back was to him.

His hands moved slowly and thoroughly over my skin as he cleaned me. My eyes shut, and I let myself enjoy the moment.

His breath was in my ear a moment later. “As soon as I’ve dealt with Clevv, I’m taking you home and stripping you naked. You won’t be leaving our place again until I’ve claimed every inch of this gorgeous, delicious body. Understand?”

“You are so damn bossy,” I mumbled back.

“Always.” He growled the agreement. “Get used to it. You won’t be complaining when I’m ordering you to shatter on my cock. Any other time, we can argue all you want.”

The bastard had me with that one.

“I thought this was your house,” I told him, changing the subject before things got too sexually charged again. “I’ve never dreamed about it before, though.”

“This was my home with the pack. They lost my trust—and will probably lose their lives too. Now, you’re my pack. Along with the rest of the Wild Hunt, I suppose. I have another place hidden away, closer to my brothers’ mountains. There are lakes all over the place, and many different kinds of plants. It’s beautiful; you’ll like it.”

His soapy hands dragged down my thighs, ignoring my core for the time being. I was pretty damn confident he’d clean that too, though.

“I hope so,” I admitted.

His lips brushed my forehead. “I’m sorry I didn’t protect you from Clevv. The bastards snuck up on me, but even if I’d known they were coming, I wouldn’t have expected them to do what they did.”

“No one suspects betrayal from the people they love. I don’t blame you for their choices.” My eyes closed as his lips brushed my temple too.

“I still feel shitty about it, though,” he admitted.

“Get over it.”

He chuckled, and my lips curved upward.

My smile faded as I remembered the way Ervo had looked at Mare, though. And all of the shit that had gone down in my dream. “I know you’re furious with Clevv and the rest of the pack, and you have every right to be. But I don’t think anything the pack did to either of us is bad enough that they should die, Priel. Death is permanent. They could turn their shit around and become better after this.”

The man’s hands returned to my abdomen and breasts, slowly scrubbing my skin. “What are you asking me, Gorgeous?” There was an edge to his voice that I didn’t particularly like, but this was a sensitive subject, so it didn’t surprise me.

“I’m asking you to leave them alive.”