What a bastard.

“We haven’t heard the female agree to be yours,” one of the men remarked, folding his arms over his chest. His eyes blazed, and excitement coursed through me.

I knew they weren’t happy with him acting as their leader.

Clevv scoffed. “She already kissed me. The oracle is mine.”

“She did a lot more than justkissPriel, yet he doesn’t get to claim her without her permission,” Mare pointed out.

Clevv growled, but murmurs of agreement rolled through the rest of the group.

“You hurt the dragon female. That wasn’t part of the agreement,” Bovay pointed out.

Clevv grabbed me by the biceps. I froze in place, trying not to show the bastard that I was terrified as his nails dug into my arms, shifting into claws. “I did what I had to do to claim the woman who was meant to be mine.”

“You said Priel was forcing her,” one of the men argued.

“Hewas. You all saw him,” Clevv snarled. “She wantedme.”

The hellhounds who had been following his orders exchanged uncertain looks.

Clevv’s gaze jerked around the group.

He seemed to realize that shit was about to stop working in his favor—and he acted.

My face crashed into his back as he threw me over his shoulder and spun around, sprinting across the land. We passed half a dozen holes in the ground in what felt like the blink of an eye, and then we were plummeting.

His feet met the floor, and then myassmet it too. My palms smacked the stone as I held on, trying to keep myself upright.

He was shutting something over the entrance to his cave a moment later, closing us in. I watched in horror as he welded the metal door shut with his palms, and then quickly covered it with two more layers of something that had already been propped against the wall, apparently prepared to block the door.

His eyes were wild and desperate when he looked at me.

I fought the urge to curl up in a ball and hide.

“Are you going to attack me?” I asked him instead, forcing myself to feign confidence that I absolutely did not feel.

He seemed to deflate a little. “Of course not.”

The fact that he still thought that was a given after injuring my friend spoke volumes about the mental stability hedidn’tpossess.

He added, “We all saw how Priel forced you away from me. He didn’t accept that you’d chosen me.”

“I chose you as atemporary mate,” I said, my voice harsher than it should’ve been given the perilous situation. “I told you I wasn’t looking for anything serious, and you said you were fine with that.”

His eyes darkened. “I said you would be my future mate. When I saw your brands, I knew for sure that we’d be far more than temporary. Vevol made you for me.”

I choked on a horrified laugh.

Vevol hadn’tmade me. She had changed me, sure, but I was born on Earth.

And the fact that he hadn’t decided he wanted things to be permanent with me until he realized how many brands I had was another strike against him.

“I never agreed to that,” I said, looking away from the man and letting my gaze linger on the wall in front of me.

“Fate decided.” His voice was low.

Apparently he now thought of himself as fate. Whatever the hell that meant in the scheme of things where Vevol was both the world and the goddess, I didn’t know.