“Thank you.” Priel’s fingers pressed lightly against my hip as he began turning me around.

“Even if you decide to mate early, wait until you hear from us,” Naomi added. “You’re the only one who has the information they’ll need, so our control over them extends only as far as your silence. We’ll need to get this place built and everyone moved in before we give them what they want.”

“We will.” I promised her.

She flashed me a small, hopeful smile. “This means more to us than I can say.”

I wasn’t doing it for her, I thought, but didn’t vocalize it.

Instead I just nodded lightly, and let Priel lead me out of the building.

The snow melted beneath our feet as we walked into the heavy silence of the snow-crusted forest around us. I knew that as soon as we made it out of neutral territory, the snow would end. Aeven was the only reason the snow existed there, according to Priel. It was the Tame King’s way of separating unseelie land from seelie.

“So, where are we going?” I asked him, my voice soft but my body tense.

I was still worried that he would change his mind about wanting to be with me now that he knew there were actual female fae out there somewhere. What if he found the person whose scent made him positive she belonged to him, like January’s had with Lian?

“It’s a surprise.” He flashed me one of his grins, and my shoulders relaxed slightly.

He still seemed like his normal self, so that was good.

“You’re not worried after that conversation?” I asked him, as his hand slid around my hip.

“Why would I be? By the time they get all of that shit figured out, I’ll have convinced you to be mine permanently, and probably claimed your skin with my ink as well,” he teased.

I raised an eyebrow toward him. “That confident in your ability to win me over, huh?”

“Extremely,” he confirmed, squeezing my hip lightly. “I saw it on the walls of your bedroom, Polaris. You’ll be mine.”

My face heated, but I didn’t deny his claim.

He was right; Vevol had showed me that, hadn’t she?

“What should we do if I still dream about war after they move the women?” I asked him, still holding his arm as we walked. The snow disappeared, leaving our toes crunching and our flames sizzling over dirt.

“We’ll worry about that if we get there. No point in fearing a future that may never greet us.”

“I wish my brain would get on board with that,” I mumbled.

And I was fairly confident that everyone on Earth or Vevol with any amount of anxiety would feel the same way.

“You’ll settle into life here,” he promised me. “It’ll be easier when most of the world isn’t chasing you, trying to convince you to be theirs.”

I hoped he was right.

We shifted,and then ran for the rest of the day. When we finally stumbled into the cave Priel had led me to, which was deep in the mountains, I was ready to drop.

“Why do you like caves so much?” I asked him as I shifted back, my body trembling a little after so many hours of exertion. His arms wrapped around me, and he steadied me as we ducked under a low-hanging rock, pivoting through a crevice I didn’t like the looks of.

“I can feel the flames running beneath Vevol while underground. Other fae feel the same way though; the only ones who don’t prefer caves are the phoenixes and basilisks, all of which live in the trees. Though, I doubt January will ever make her home in a tree.”

“Probably not,” I mumbled, pressing my forehead to his neck as he pulled me in close and lifted me off my feet to maneuver me through another crack in the stone.

“This is a cave that only myself and the rest of the Wild Hunt know the location of,” he told me, lowering his voice slightly. “We have a few locations like this, hidden away from the others. My pack is probably furious with me after everything that’s happened, especially considering that they were already acting strange before we ran back to the Stronghold together. We can’t go near them again until things have calmed down a bit.”

“That won’t be hard. I’m pretty sure Clevv hates me now, and maybe you too. One of the guys who grabbed me outside the stronghold mentioned his name. I think he might’ve been working with them.”

Priel growled at me. “If he’s the reason they came after you, I’ll kill him.”