“There’s lots of fun to be had even without completing the bond though, isn’t there?” The gleam in his eyes was wicked.

“Yes. But…” I trailed off when his lips lowered to my throat.

My fingers dug into his chest as he sucked lightly on the skin beneath my ear.

“What else have you seen of our future, Polaris?” he murmured between sucks on my skin.

The words died in my throat as he moved down the sensitive column.

Had I not told him that my dreams were pretty much full of sex?

“North?” he murmured, dragging his teeth over my collarbone and making me shudder.

“Ask me again after we’re far enough away from all of the horny bastards outside,” I whispered, buying myself some time.

Something told me that if he found out I’d been dreaming about him naked, he would probablygetnaked a lot more often.

And I wasn’t so sure I was ready for a naked Priel who actually wanted me.

Yeah, it had been awesome when he was bare and insane in his shower and in his bed, but that was back before I knew he wanted to make things permanent between us. With the possibility of that permanence looming over my head, I was more uncertain.

It was one thing to lust after a guy for months on end.

It was a totallydifferentthing to pledge your forever to said guy.

“You’re ready to get out of here?” he murmured to me, still exploring my collarbone with his lips, teeth, and tongue. “I’d be more than happy to spread you out on that bed and taste every inch of you first.”

Heat flared within me.

Hot damn, that sounded good.

Restrain, North.

“That’s probably not a good i—” I breathed in sharply when his lips dragged further down my chest, closer to my boobs. “Priel.” I shoved his face away, and he let me push him a couple of inches. “We’re not doing this here. No one likes being woken up by the sound of someone else having sex.”

He flashed me a wicked grin. “Is that what we would be doing?”

“I’m serious,” I said, though I fought a grin of my own.

“Alright, I’ll sneak us out of here. You’ll have to ride on my back though, in case anyone hears us.”

“Fine.” I huffed out a breath.

Honestly, I’d kind of been looking forward to another run in my hellhound form.

“When we’re sure we’ve gotten away from them, you can shift too.”

Well, that was a deal.

“Alright. How do we get out?”

“Back door.” He gestured over his shoulder.

I blinked.

There was a back door?

He flashed me another grin. “Nev and Teris installed it while they were here fixing the hole in January’s ceiling a few months back. Figured one of us might need a secret entrance or escape one of these days.”