The question caught me off guard.

WasI okay?

For the first time in a long time, I actuallydidfeel okay, despite everything.

“I think I am,” I admitted.

Her lips curved upward, just slightly. “You seem happy.”


I thought maybe I was that, too.

“Can I ask you something?” I wondered.

She shrugged one shoulder. “Is it about sex with the fae?”

I snorted. “Definitely not.”

She closed her book, leaving a finger between a few of the pages. “Then go ahead.”

“You read a lot. If this world were one of your books, how would we prevent the war that I’ve seen coming? Vevol said the Tame Queen is the answer, but I don’t know how she could prevent the hell I’ve seen from breaking loose.”

Mare grimaced. “If there were more women, it would knock the tension of the situation down a lot, and probably kill the potential of a war. Even one woman to every five or six fae could improve things tremendously. But with four of us to a couple hundred unseelie fae, the odds aren’t in anyone’s favor. If we could combine forces with the rest of the humans, there would be twenty of us women. According to Ana, there are around six hundred fae in this world. I don’t know where she got the information, but it seems accurate from what I’ve seen.”

I grimaced.

The situation just kept getting worse.

Vevol’s words came to my mind.

There were fae women, hidden away on an island.

“Can you keep a secret?” I asked her.

She flashed me a smile. “Of course.”

I lowered my voice, leaning closer to her. She leaned in too.

“There are fae women hidden away,” I whispered.

Her eyes widened. “What?”

“Vevol told me that the fighting got so bad between the fae that the women had to separate from them. I think she must’ve wiped their memories about it or something.”

“Holy shit,” she breathed.

“Yeah. The women have to stay hidden until we can de-escalate things between the fae, though. The seelies and unseelies have had issues for so long that she says we can’t risk the fae ladies.”

“Wow.” Mare sat back, running a hand over the top of her head. Her hair was up in a poof, like it often was. “So we just need to talk to the Tame Queen and figure out how to stop the fae from fighting.”

“And how to introduce a group of who-knows-how-many female fae into a group of emotionally-scarred ex-human women and horny single men,” I agreed.

“Shit.” She bit her lip, excitement in her eyes. “You have to go talk to the Queen, and the sooner, the better. If you leave before the sun comes up, I think you can get away from the other men before they decide how they really feel about you declaring your love for Priel.”

I nodded.

She had a point.