I finally whispered, “We don’t even know each other.”

“That’s easily remedied.”

He wasn’t wrong.

“I’m not ready to promise anything,” I added.

“I don’t need a promise; I’ve seen your future. And it belongs tome.”

A shiver rolled down my spine. “You’re so possessive.”

“Incredibly.” His growled agreement made me bite my lip. “Now, I need you to come out here and let me hold you in my arms while you tell me every single thing I missed while I was outside. I’m fucking losing it, if you haven’t noticed.”

I laughed softly. “I noticed.”

“So come out here and fix that for me.”

I bit my lip to stop myself from smiling, but didn’t move to get up. My humor faded into a wall of serious hesitancy. “You didn’t tell me how you felt about seeing us together like that in my painting.”

There was a long pause.

He finally admitted, “I felt like I wished there was a way to skip right to that moment and get lost in it, with you. You still don’t believe that I want you, do you?”

“I don’t know,” I whispered. “I know that you think I’m yours, and that I want you to be mine. But I didn’t really live much, on Earth. My parents didn’t let me leave our house very often, and I was barely nineteen when I was brought here. They thought they were protecting me, and I love them for that, but I always felt isolated. I'm not good with people, because of it. And I have a hard time with trust.”

“Well, I’ll do whatever it takes to make my desire for you constantly and annoyingly clear until you’re certain about it, then.”

My lips curved upward a bit. “What would that entail?”

“Kissing. Touching. Talking. Complimenting. Snuggling. Licking. Stroking. Petting. Sniffing. And fucking, in every way there is.”

My face heated.

“Of course, that’s only when you’re willing, Gorgeous.”

Taking the opportunity to change the subject, I scoffed at the nickname. “You have got to come up with something better to call me than that.”

He chuckled. “Give me your full name, and maybe I will.”

I bit my lip, considering it.

If I gave him my name, he’d be able to call me to him, wherever he was. It would be dangerous, but in some ways, safer too. If I were ever captured, or taken, or attacked…

Alright, maybe it wasn’t such a terrible idea.

I still hesitated, though.

Honestly, I trusted him. He had fought outside the Stronghold for months, keeping me safe from the other fae who wanted me as their mate. Even if his reasons were selfish—because he’d claimed that he wanted me as his, even then—that wasn’t something I could just forget or pretend hadn’t happened.

He fought for me.

And I trusted him.

And damn, I liked kissing him.

“Everyone on Earth always called me North,” I admitted, my voice barely above a whisper. “My parents gave me a unique name, but it wastoounique, hence the nickname.”

He waited.