“I can use her name,” Lian said, like it was simple.

All of us ladies frowned.

January shot him an accusatory look and voiced all of our thoughts. “You know her name?”

He flashed her a small grin. “Everyone knows her name. She was the first female to come to our lands, and wasn’t aware that she shouldn’t share it.”

“Damn.” Her eyebrows lifted. “That sucks for her.”

“Aev, the king, took to murdering anyone who used it, so no one dares anymore. But considering the alternative is attempting to cross their borders or calling a meeting, we’ll have to take the risk,” Lian mused.

“Maybe it won’t be a risk at all.” January’s eyes gleamed as she looked at us. “I actually came back to tell you ladies something. I’m pregnant.”

I blinked.

Suddenly the arm he had around her abdomen made a lot more sense.

Mare’s eyes widened.

Sunny nearly choked on her own spit.

“Are we happy about this?” Dots called from outside the room.

January and Calian stepped in, letting her join the rest of us.

“We are,” January confirmed.

“Then yay!” Dots threw her arms around the other woman, squeezing tightly. “Congrats.”

“Thanks. I’m scared, but excited too,” she confessed. “I realized we need to tell the other mated ladies, in case any of them are thinking about boning their mates. And one of them already did to stop the last potential war—so yeah, they need to know. If all of us ladies go alone, we could use the pregnancy as an excuse for taking advantage of her real name.”

“Not a chance,” Lian said smoothly.

“Fine, you can come,” January grumbled.

“We can’t bring any of the unmated females,” Priel said from beside me, his voice clipped. “When Aev shows up, he’ll try to drag all of them back with him. You know the bastard’s still pissed that they’re not all on his lands.”

“Well, North has to come. She’s the one who had the vision,” January pointed out.

“North won’t be unmated for long,” Priel growled back.

There was a moment of silence.

“Why won’t North be unmated for long?” January checked.

“Priel has decided that I’m his. We haven’t agreed on that yet,” I said, flashing him a look of warning.

He glared back at me, as if daring me to try to get away from him.

That was… an issue.

I wasn’t sure how, exactly.

Or why.

Or what I’d do about it.

Because I wanted to be with him, but only if he wanted to be with me, and only if we actually started getting to know each other.