I finally opened my eyes, grabbing his wrist in one smooth motion and then yanking him toward me in a harsh one. My tug didn’t really affect him, but he understood what I was trying to do and let me pull him over to me.

When he dropped down on the bed beside me, I set a hand on his knee to calm him down. His arm wrapped around my side, and he promptly dragged me over to him until we were practically glued together.

Well, then.

Sunny gave me a knowing smirk.

Mare fought a smile.

Dots wasn’t in there. I knew she got triggered whenever someone grew angry or violent, so I wasn’t surprised by her absence. Priel wasn’t exactly the calm-angry kind of guy, which I appreciated, but not everyone was into that.

“What did you see?” Mare asked me.

“Vevol,” I admitted. “The goddess, Vevol. She said…” I bit my lip, not sure what exactly I could and couldn’t share.

Or what Iwantedto share.

If I admitted to Priel that there were other women, there was a chance that he would stop wanting me. Fae chicks as tall and gorgeous as Vevol’s constantly changing appearance was? No way could I compete with them.

On top of my selfish reasoning, there was also common sense. The less people who knew about the actual fae women before we figured out how to remove the war from our future, the better.

I needed to keep that shit quiet until things were settled.

And… maybe until I figured out whether or not Priel and I were really a thing. He had made some big claims, but I still wasn’t completely sure that I believed him.

That was my selfishness talking again, but I didn’t shut it up immediately. It was a part of me, as much as I refused to admit it aloud.

“She’s been showing me these images because there’s a war coming,” I finally told them, gesturing to the walls. “Apparently I’m not as crazy as I thought.”

Mare scowled. “We never thought you were crazy.”

“Just pissed at the world, which is valid,” Sunny offered.

I really appreciated hearing that, and shot her a grateful look.

“So how do we stop it?” Mare checked.

“She didn’t really explain. Just said‘the Tame Queen’.” I formed air quotes around the title with the hand that Priel hadn’t captured.

“We’ll need to cross the border, then,” Sunny mused.

“No.” Priel’s voice was hard. “Not a fucking chance.”

“There’s no way the unseelies will allow their ladies to cross our borders either,” a voice added from the doorway.

All of our attention jerked toward it, and I saw a grinning January standing there, with Lian behind her. His arm was wrapped possessively around her torso, which I thought was weird. Then again, the two of them were usually weird together.

January looked like a damned nature goddess, wearing a pair of dark green fireproof-underwear with all those gorgeous, golden tattoos shimmering over her strong, curvy body and her long, golden-brown hair falling to her ribs all cute-messy-like. I probably looked like a scarecrow that went rolling down a rocky hill in comparison, but refused to let myself consider that depressing fact.

My self-esteem could only take so much, after all.

“What did I miss?” January asked. “Why do we want to talk to the Tame Queen?”

Sunny and Mare looked at me.

I grimaced. “Apparently, I can see the future. Vevol—the goddess—told me that there’s a war coming. When I asked her how to stop it, all she said was‘the Tame Queen’.”

“Damn.” January grimaced. “How are we going to get her away from her grump of a mate?”