“Vevol?” I asked, stunned.


In front of my eyes, her appearance shifted. She grew taller, her hair lightening and her eyes darkening.

I tried really hard not to gawk, but probably failed.

As soon as her appearance was settled, she began changing again. It was a total mind-warp to watch, but I supposed that as a goddess—or a whole world—she didn’t really have to follow any rules.

“Have you been sending me the dreams? Was Priel right about that?” I asked, forcing my voice not to wobble.

“Your magic has the ability to tap into the futures of those around you. Most of your dreams have been triggered by your own wandering,” she murmured.

Even her voice seemed to be changing as she added, “I cannot hold a form for long. Already, this drains me.”

“Then why am I here? What have you been telling me?” I pleaded. I had seen so much fire and death, and I couldn’t take much more of it.

“War is coming. The last time a fury like this one bloomed, it decimated the numbers of my women and forced the females into hiding.” Her voice was soft and musical, and heart-wrenching as well somehow.

My lips parted. “There are female fae that were born here?”

“Not many, but yes. They remain beyond the lake your hound’s portal opens and closes near. Only female fae can get past the boundary that protects them.”


“Peace must be established. Until the future you see is free of the blood and flames your visions have shown you, the females must stay hidden.” Her voice began to fade quickly, as did her form.

“Wait, how do I establish peace? How do we stop a war before it starts?” I rushed toward her, reaching for her hand.

“The Tame Queen,” Vevol’s voice whispered.

As if those last three words were a trigger, the dream ended suddenly.


I sat up quickly,sucking in air frantically. My mind spun, my heart pounding wickedly-fast.

“Breathe,” Mare said, her voice soft. Her hand was wrapped around my arm, her grip firm but not hard. She hadn’t been in there when the dream—or vision—dragged me in, but I assumed some time had passed. A short vision could equate to an entire night’s rest. Sometimes, even longer.

“Holy shit,” I panted, my eyes slamming shut again.

“What happened?” Priel’s snarl almost had me opening my eyes, but my head was still spinning so much that I thought I might vomit.

“Pretty sure I can see the future,” I managed.

Okay, it was a lie.

I was confident that I could see the future.

Vevolherselfhad just told me I could see the damn future.

“I already knew that.” His growl was fierce. “But you were out for hours, North. That can’t be normal.”

“Usually, I see things when I’m sleeping.” I massaged my temple, feeling a harsh headache coming on as the dizziness started to calm down a little.

“Back off,” Sunny snapped at Priel. “Give the girl some space.”

His furious snarl told me it was time to intervene.