What would happen if I used it? Would he just… appear?

Only one way to find out, I guessed.

Closing my eyes, I let out a slow breath and mentally urged him to come to me with a soft whisper of, “Lopriel.”

The air around me burned for a moment, and then there was a massive man in front of me. His eyes were dark, his fire burning in them.

Goosebumps broke out on my arms when his flaming eyes collided with mine.

He usually did my favorite things when his eyes burned like that.

The touching, the kissing…

He stalked toward me, and I took a step backward for every one he took forward until my shoulders met the wall.

His eyes burned me to the damned soul, and I couldn’t have looked away if I tried as he continued covering the distance between us.

His voice was low and feral when he asked, “Why did you walk out of the Stronghold without me?”

“I needed air,” I whispered.

It wasn’t a lie.

“From what?” His low voice gave me more goosebumps.


He growled furiously in response. “You’ve exposed your magic to every bastard in my world. Even now, the word is being spread throughout all of the seelies. Soon, the unseelies will learn too, and any number of them could try to take you from me.”

“Take me from you? I don’t belong to you. We’re not mates. You don’t even want me.”

He snarled at me, his hands pressing into the wall on either side of my head, trapping me in. “You aremine, Gorgeous.”

I growled back, “You only say things like that when your eyes are glowing. I don’t understand why you get possessive and touchy when your eyes glow, and then don’t give a damn when they don’t. You’re giving me whiplash.”

The fire vanished from his eyes, but he was still just as furious as he had been a moment earlier.

I froze, not knowing he could change them just like that.

“The world looks slightly different when my mind has shifted, but I can assure you I am just as possessive when my eyes aren’t glowing. I told you, I’ve wanted you since the first time I caught your scent.”

I scoffed. “You only stopped by with supplies twice. Don’t lie to me.”

“A bond didn’t snap between us immediately the way it did for January and Lian. I had to give the others time to catch your scent, as was our people’s agreement. When I came to see you a third time, after the others had a chance to see if a bond formed, you refused to see me. You weren’t interested.”

“I refused to see pretty much anyone,” I shot back. “Just get out.” I tossed a hand toward the door.

“No.” He stepped closer to me, and the fronts of our bodies pressed together. The fire in his eyes relit with the contact. “I need to see your skin. To make sure no one hurt you.”

“I’m a fae, Priel. Even if someone did hurt me, the evidence would already be gone.”

“Lopriel.” He all but snarled the word at me. “To you, I amLopriel.”

“You can’t have everything you want,” I snapped back. “And youdon’tget to choose what I call you.”

I was enjoying our argument too much—it was making me all hot and bothered. But he didn’t know that, and I couldn’t let him walk all over me, or he would think he could just growl and snarl and get his way every time.

“Fine. Call me what you want, but take your damn clothes off. I need to know you’re okay.” His harsh voice—and choice out of those two options—surprised me.