I still didn’t know what Priel wanted, and I didn’t want to ruin things for the other women.

“We can deal with it for North’s sake,” Sunny said with a shrug.

Mare and Dots nodded their agreement.

Emotions I didn’t want to deal with swelled within me.

They felt a hell of a lot like love. I’d tried hard not to get attached to the girls, and not to let them get attached to me, but maybe it had started happening anyway.

But Priel…

He’d called me his when he was all beastly, and he had acted possessive, but that didn’t really mean anything. The fae liked fighting, and he’d never given me a reason to believe that he was really that into me.

I supposed I could always make up some shit about things not working out between us after all of this was over if he wasn’t interested in me.

“Well, it’s worth a try,” I finally, reluctantly said.

Ervo dipped his head in a nod, then strode out of the Stronghold without so much as a glance at Mare.

When I looked over at her, her lips were pressed together in a grimace.

She hid the emotions quickly, looping her arm through Sunny’s.

Dots looped hers through mine, and then we started for the door.

“Do you seriously think this is going to work?” I asked them, my voice lowering as we opened the door.

“Depends on your goal. If you want a way to hook up with Priel, definitely.” Dots said cheerfully.

I tried not to grimace.

WhatdidI want?

That, I didn’t know.

“It’s show time, ladies. Try not to look interesting,” Sunny muttered to all of us as we stepped outside.

The men were all waiting in a massive group, with Priel and Ervo at the front. My eyes went immediately to the massive hellhound, and wow, he looked pissed.

Everyone was silent when myself and the other three girls stepped into a line. Our arms were still linked, I realized.

“The other women and I have been talking,” I announced to the men.

My voice carried more than it should’ve, but I didn’t let myself overthink that when there was so much other shit to worry about.

The world was deathly silent around us as the fae waited for me to continue.

“Though it may not be fair to the rest of you, I’m in love with Priel. I have been, since the first day I stepped foot in Vevol. I thought he wasn’t interested in me, so I stayed quiet about it, until the other women and I came up with the idea to establish fake mate bonds with the Wild Hunt guys, to protect us from all of you.”

The silence seemed to swell around me, so I hurried onward. I wasn’t exactly eloquent, but I was pretty sure brutal honesty would get the point across.

“Considering I was attacked when I stepped outside earlier, it’s pretty apparent that the protection was necessary,” I added.

Priel started to take a step toward me, but Ervo set a hand on his shoulder, holding him firmly in place.

I went on. “Our relationship used to be fake, but when I was in Priel’s cave with him, it became real for both of us. We only came back here so I can grab the rest of my things and then go back to his home to be together in peace. I understand that my brands make it seem like I have more power than some of you, and I can assure you that if anyone tries to stop me from mating with the man that I love, I will figure out how to use every drop of that power to end them. This is my life.”

I continued, “The person I mate with will be my choice. End of the discussion. You can all talk amongst yourselves and fight about that if you want, but you don’t get to mess with us women, regardless of how much power we do or don’t possess. Bring your cake or write your letters; we’re not just potential mates. We’re people, too.”