
I bit backa shriek and tried to move away, but only ended up pressed even harder against the random fae dude still at my back. The one who’d touched my face hadn’t come any closer, at least.

The phoenix shifted as he landed, and a small amount of relief cut through me when I realized that I recognized him. He was gigantic of course, with buzzed dark hair and deep brown skin. Thick tattoos wrapped around his biceps, and I recognized the style as Priel’s immediately.

This was Ervo.

The Wild Hunt guy who had formed a temporary mating bond with Mare.

He was really damn intense, but quiet. From what I’d seen, he seemed more reasonable to me than some of the other men did.

Especially Priel.

Unhappy murmurs and growls rolled through the group surrounding me.

I tried to step away from the guy who my back was pressed against, but his hands grabbed my arms, and I froze again.

Smooth as a damn snake, Ervo had the man by the throat. My arms were released, and no one else grabbed me.

I watched in horrified fascination as the phoenix’s fingers shifted to talons and removed the fae’s head from his body before anyone had time to blink.

My eyes widened and my stomach rolled when the head hit the ground with an awful thud.

The phoenix dropped the man’s body too, and then his brutal gaze swept the group around me.

Many of the men took a step back.

They were all dangerous, all of the fae, but there was something stronger and deadlier about the Wild Hunt guys.

My eyes were glued to Ervo’s hand, my knees knocking together as I watched the blood drip slowly off of his fingertips.

The phoenix’s voice was low and deadly as he said, “Fighting over females is understandable. Touching one without her permission is a death sentence.”

His gaze dipped to me, but it took me a minute to peel my eyes off of his dripping fingertips.

“Did any others touch you?” Ervo’s voice was so calm it was terrifying.

My magic bloomed over my skin, soft flames sliding up my arms as the magic attempted to calm me.

Instinct told me to say no and protect the men who had touched me earlier, just so I didn’t have to watch Ervo kill anyone else.

But if I lied about that, what else would the massive group of men expect me to say? Would they think they could grab me, or kiss me, and I’d protect them?

Though nausea settled into my damn bones at the idea of what I was doing, I lifted a finger and pointed across the group, to the man who had touched my face, and then moved my finger to two other men I had seen touch me.

“There were others, too. I couldn’t see all of them,” I said, fighting to stop my voice from shaking.

All attention settled on the men I’d pointed to, and guilt had my magic weaving and bobbing over my skin.

The three fae sank to their knees, bowing their heads toward Ervo.

Or maybe toward me.

“I was taken by her magic,” one of the men said quickly, his voice low and gravelly.

He was so full of it, but I didn’t say that aloud.

“Any others who touched her, on your knees.” Ervo’s voice was still so damn calm.