My body clenched.

Shit, I couldn’t do this.

I couldn’t be obsessed with a guy who wasn’t really interested in me, who kept calling me Gorgeous, who had snuggled up with me on the floor even though there was a bed just a few feet away.

I was overthinking everything, like I always did.

I didn’t know how to talk to him, or be me around him.

I didn’t even know what I really wanted from him. Or with him. Or… anything?


I needed fresh air.

Yeah; maybe fresh air could fix things. Or at least help me process somewhat normally.

Turning, I practically ran for the door out of the Stronghold.

My heart pounded rapidly, my body screaming for me to get out.

To move.

To escape.


The only time I’d felt that much stress pointed solely at getting away was when I’d been in that car with my arranged fiancé, and had found out that I was heading toward my death.

The memories melded with my thoughts, tangling in my mind and making me feel like the world was closing in on me. My fingers struggled with the only two locks on the heavy door that someone had bothered doing up, and then I flung the thing open and rushed outside.

Vevol’s humidity met my cheeks, but it wasn’t uncomfortable. I hadn’t minded the warmth since the fae world had made me one of them.

There were still men fighting outside, but all of the ones who had been looking for me had left when I showed up half-mated to Priel the day before.

We hadn’t exchanged vows or had sex, both of which I was fairly certain were the next possible steps in the relationship, but had gotten close enough to doing so to scare the others away or at least discourage them.

I shut my eyes, breathing the fresh air in deeply. It relaxed my shoulders more than I actually expected it to.

There wasn’t any fire pulsing in my abdomen anymore, threatening to burn me alive, I realized. Now, the power was just calm and warm and quiet.

That was nice.

A soft breeze caught in my hair. It was smooth and soft, surprisingly enough, and the dark strands blew against my cheek.

Despite the sounds of the fighting, Vevol was a peaceful place. The magic there was—

A hand slid over my cheek.

My eyes flew open, my lips twisting in a snarl as I prepared to rip Priel a new asshole for touching me so suddenly.

The words died in my throat when I found a complete stranger in front of me.

I stepped backward, and collided with a hard chest.

Something screamed within me that it didn’t belong to my hellhound either.

Fire erupted on my skin, and I tried to keep my breathing even as I looked around me.