Touched her.

Kissed her, the way I’d wanted to since the moment I caught her scent.

Unraveled her on my cock, without taking her completely.

Now she was going to hate me even more than she already did, and yet I couldn’t bring myself to regret it.

Not when she was in my home, her scent intertwined with mine the way it was supposed to be.

Not when her soft, bare skin was wrapped in my sheets, sprawled across my bed.

An image of her naked body filled my mind, and I clenched my cock in my fist again, still infuriatingly hard.

She was absolutely covered in Vevol’s brands. There were three on one of her arms, five on the other. A large one stretched across one of her breasts. So many of them dotted her abdomen, one of them stretching in a harsh line that spoke to me in ways I couldn’t find words to describe.

They spread down her back in various sizes, over that sexy little ass, down the thighs I wanted to lick every inch of.

I was stroking my cock again, I realized, my chest heaving harshly.

She had taken possession of my mind.

I would make her a part of my soul if it killed me.

To do so, I would need to win her heart. Considering her hatred for me, that wouldn’t be an easy task.

The memory of the way her body had arched against mine, her flame-flooded eyes dilating as she’d teetered on the edge of her pleasure, made me roar as I came undone once more.

I’d have her again, completely. I’d mark her in every fucking way there was, before anyone else had the chance to realize how powerful or special she was.

Vevol’s connection to her didn’t matter. What mattered was that she would smell of me, the way January smelled of Calian.

…As soon as I figured out how to convince her that she was mine.



I wokeup to the smell of cooking food, and the sound of running water.

My stomach growled, and I groaned as I struggled to work my sluggish mind through everything that had happened before I crashed.

The kissing—lots of kissing.

The abandonment—shit, IhatedPriel. Or at leastwantedto hate him.

The painting—so much painting.

Why was it all so damn overwhelming?

It took me a few minutes to talk myself out of bed.

My feet met the warm stone floor when I finally managed to get myself up.

I looked down at my bare chest at the same time Priel glanced over his shoulder. He was standing in front of the sink, washing something, while food sizzled in a pan a few feet to his right.

Yeah, I didn’t have a shirt.

And why the hell was he so gorgeous?