“I’m North,” I offered.

“I know. I’m Clevv.” He offered me a hand, in a very human gesture that he must’ve learned just for a situation like this one.

Not wanting to be rude, I shook his hand. Most of the time, I didn’t mind the rudeness. Rudeness was good for creating space between you and the people you wanted space from.

But it also hurt people, and I felt bad about that often.

“You have beautiful hands,” he offered me, as he shook my hand longer than was necessary.”

My face heated. “Thanks.”

“Are you an artist?”

“How did you know?”

He chuckled. “There’s paint beneath your fingernails. I’m surprised Priel’s flames didn’t burn it away.”


“His flames didn’t feel hot when he was running here.”

The man lifted an eyebrow. “That takes a lot of control. I should thank him for taking care of my future mate so well.”

A snort escaped me, and he flashed me a grin as I slipped my hand out of his. “So how bad do I smell to you?”

“You smell like smoke curling off a cooking klomre. Fucking delicious.”

I bit back another snort. “I’m not looking for a permanent mate. I just need someone to bond with so my scent changes enough that the other guys stay away.”

“You can use me in any way you’d like.” He winked at me.

A laugh escaped me. “I’ll keep that in mind.”

“So what kind of things do you paint?” His expression was so full of interest that I couldn’t stop myself from answering.

“My dreams, mostly. I have strange, vivid dreams.”

He looked intrigued. “Some say Vevol herself communicates through dreams.”

“Do they?” I didn’t buy into that shit, so I feigned interest. “I’ve never heard that before. None of the other fae ever referred to your world as a goddess before, either.”

“Different types of fae have different beliefs. All of us feel that Vevol is female, and alive. Some believe she has a physical form and can appear to people. Hellhounds, for the most part, believe she is the consciousness of our world as a whole, without a fae-shaped body.”


January had never said anything about that, and she knew the fae much better than any of the other girls who had been in the Stronghold.

“What about the dragons?”

“Dragons are solitary fae. They don’t run in packs, other than Lian. And he only works with the rest of the Wild Hunt because there has to be one of each type. Though dragons typically believe that Vevol is alive, they have no reason to think she has thoughts or a will of her own.”


He continued explaining the beliefs of the fae as I went through the different types, and I tried hard to store all of the information for later. I didn’t ever have anything to contribute to the other girls in the Stronghold, but maybe if I did…

Well, maybe things could change.

It wasn’t likely.