I feel numb all over as I slowly pick up the thick paper, turn it around, and look at the beautiful face smiling shyly at me.

It’s her…

How can it be her? What is this? Why is she on here?

My bear lets out a low growl as I stare at the stunning blue eyes looking back at me. This is my mate. I’m looking at my mate.

A knot settles in my stomach as my mind begins to swirl. I’ve never seen her before, but there’s no doubt in mind that I’m looking at her right now. Every cell in my body has come alive.

Even my bear is reacting, pacing around and letting me know he wants me to get her.

“What is this?” I ask as I try to focus on the words. “An auction for women?”

My mate is being auctioned off?

I whip my head up and glare at Novak. “What. Is. This?”

“Someone on there catch your eye?” he asks with a grin.

“What the fuck is this? Where is she?”

He smiles like he’s got me. “That there is the most exclusive auction on the planet. Billionaires from all over the world come together for The Breeding Bidders Auction House to outbid each other for the pleasure of wedding beautiful young virgins.”

I look at her photo and feel like I’m going to be sick. I can’t let my mate be auctioned off to a creep like Novak.

I spot the date on the bottom. It’s in the town next to ours in two days.

“How can I get in there?” I ask as I squeeze the paper in my fist. “Ineedthis girl.”

He waddles over to his desk chair and casually sits down, playing with his unlit cigar. I want to slap the smug look off his face, but he might be the only one who can get me in the same room as my mate.

“I’m afraid it’s for billionaires only,” he says with a sad sarcastic shake of his head. “Not for blue collar workers like you.”

“Don’t play with me, Novak,” I growl. “This is my mate.”

His face lights up, but he quickly hides it. “Mate or not, these girls are auctioned off formillionsof dollars. Do you have that kind of money, Elias?”

An overwhelming sense of dread takes over my body. I feel dizzy. I need some air.

“You’ll have a better chance of securing your mate,” he says as he runs the cigar through his fingers, “ifyou have seven million dollars in your hand.”

I grit my teeth as I glare at him. “You said eight million.”

“That was before,” he says with a grin. “The offer is now back to seven.”

My whole body flexes tight as I glare at him. I can’t sell my ranch. But I can’t let my mate go either.

“Seven and a half,” I growl.

He leaps up from his chair and shakes my hand. “Deal. I’ll have my attorneys handle the paperwork and you’ll have your money before the auction starts.”

My head is spinning as he sits back down and lights his cigar in triumph.

I’m going to lose my land… The land my grandfather settled and my father grew up on. The land I adore and hoped to leave to my children one day.

But it doesn’t matter. My mate is all that matters.

I won’t have any children to pass on my legacy to without her anyway.