Page 29 of Alpha's Kiss

There was one other table in the room, and it had that group of betas who had arrived about the same time as we had sitting at it. Though they glanced curiously at me from time to time, they stopped and turned their heads away when Lex gave them a long, speculative look, like he was wondering how many of their bodies he could fit inside that giant fireplace.

By the time we finished eating, I could tell both Wyatt and Asher were sagging with exhaustion. They’d had very little sleep before we left that morning, so I knew how tired they must have been. They all did their mind-sharing thing again, looking around at each other and then got to their feet to go see if they could find the innkeeper and get keys to the rooms.

As it turned out, he was just coming into the corridor when we reached it and handed them over, assuring the Alphas that the rooms were ready. We went upstairs, Lex holding me by my arm, and three of the Alphas, Wyatt, Brandon and Asher went into one of the rooms, bidding us good night, while Lex took me to the room next door. It seemed that only the two of us would share this bed chamber.

I went inside nervously, not really knowing what to expect. Would he bite me now? Make love to me and give me his knot? Or was he too tired? I still wasn’t in full heat, but I was extremely close. He might be able to knot me, and the idea made me shiver with anticipation.

However, he’d been so injured from the poisoned arrow, and I knew he must still be in pain even though Asher had done several healings on him. He was sitting on the bed, pulling off his boots and turned to smile at me.

“I guess you’re not tired, since you’ve been sleeping all day.”

I shrugged. I felt as if I’d done little other than nap on this ride, but with so much excitement and with the adrenaline continually pumping through me, I suppose it was no wonder I still felt tired.

Instead of answering him, I went to sit down beside him and touched his shoulder. “How areyoufeeling?” I asked and he turned to smile at me.

“Better.” He brushed a strand of hair from my face and gazed down into my eyes. “I know you healed me—Asher said you probably saved my life. Thank you, Rory.”

I glanced up at him in surprise. That moment when I’d seen him fall back down on the ground had terrified me, and I’d acted instinctively. I wasn’t even thinking about anything except wanting to make him better, to help him. I felt the energy flowing out of my fingers, but I’d still been shocked when I saw his flesh healing and knitting back together under my hand. I had no idea if it had been me doing it, because I didn’t remember any conscious thought behind it. Just blind panic.

He leaned down to brush his lips over mine again. “I want you very much, Rory. I want to make love to you, but I won’t force you.”

“You won’t be forcing anything. I want you too.”

He gave a soft growl and lowered his lips to mine. One hand clutched the back of my neck while the other slid between our bodies. Lex’s hand closed around my cock. I tried never to touch myself there except when bathing because it was so sensitive. In all the books I’d read about omegas, I’d been taught that my pleasure was secondary to my Alpha’s anyway. And since my cock wasn’t made to givehimpleasure, it should be ignored. Yet so far Lex hadn’t acted that way. He had tried to pleasure me at the stream, and I’d even felt his hand there when we were in bed together. I hissed in a sharp breath as Lex’s hand started to move up and down my shaft, stroking me. I raised my face to his.

“I-I want to honor our binding ceremony, Lex. You’re my Alpha, and you can do whatever you want. I won’t ever fight you.”

“It should be about both our pleasure, sweetheart.” He looked at me dubiously. “How experienced are you, Rory? I know you must have been with men before. How many?”

I shook my head. “No, none. I haven’t been with any men or women either, for that matter. I don’t know exactly what happens other than what I’ve read about in books. Omegas aren’t given any kind of real instruction on this. I think we’re supposed to be kept sheltered, and our Alphas are supposed to teach us.”

Lex looked down at me and I was surprised to see him trembling. “Can this be true, sweetheart? You’ve never been with a man? Ever?”

“Not until the stream. And what you did to me there.” I looked up at him, feeling shy. “I liked that a lot though.”

He shook his head, turning away and passing a hand over his face. I put my hands on his arms and drew him back around to face me. “I want you to teach me, Alpha. If you want me...”

Lex moved toward me with a low growling sound in his throat. Something leaped in his eyes that perhaps should have frightened me, but it excited me instead. I brushed my hand over the bulge in his trousers and couldn’t imagine where I’d found the nerve to do it, but it felt so amazing, so incredible that I pressed a bit harder, and Lex shuddered like I was hurting him. I pulled my hand back and he pulled me closer, his lips firmly fixing on mine and his breathing getting rapid.

Lex eased his tongue inside my mouth, gently exploring, while I clutched at his shoulders in complete dismay. No one had ever even kissed me on the lips before Lex that I could remember. Even Griselda kissed my cheeks. No one else had shown me much affection in years.

Why was Lex putting his tongue in my mouth, though? He’d done it before and I liked it, but it felt strange.

My breath coming quicker, I pushed at his shoulders, but didn’t budge him an inch. Dragging my eyes open, I met his blue gaze, sparkling with some emotion I couldn’t name.

My big Alpha finally pulled his mouth away from mine, but I still couldn’t take a proper breath. Not with what was going on between my legs. I was harder there than I’d ever been before, painfully so, and I wanted…something, but I didn’t know what it was, but I thought it was like what I’d done at the stream. I strained to get closer to Lex, and my hips started thrusting forward instinctively, like they had then. Hearing myself whimpering again, I arched my back and looked up into his eyes, silently begging him to help, but I didn’t know what I wanted help for. Something was building in me, and I was afraid I was about to fly apart.

Lex smiled at me, like this was exactly what he wanted. “Come on,” he urged, gripping me harder. “Come on, sweetheart.”

I thought I must be dying. It was like before, when my body seized and I strained forward, making little grunting sounds. My toes tried to clench and curl. The same white, sticky stuff I’d sprayed over him once before started spurting from the end of my cock. A drop or two even hit me under the chin, and meanwhile slick was flowing out of me, drenching the sheets beneath me. I fell against Lex’s chest, totally spent and drained. Lex held me up and rubbed my back, not saying anything, just seeming to be trying to soothe me. The air was thick with both his pheromones and my own.

This wasn’t the first time Lex had held me in his hand like this. He’d done it at the stream and then several times in bed. I rubbed myself against Lex’s stomach, the friction almost painful now, but still feeling wonderful.

“Yes, yes,” I said, getting excited. I was happy for the moment just to hang there in Lex’s arms and rub all over him. He didn’t seem to mind. After a few minutes, though, he stood up and began tearing off his clothes. I watched him, unable to look away. I’d seen his body before, but he certainly merited a second look.

I’d never seen any man, but I wondered if many could compare to Lex.

He was so big, with broad muscles in his chest and thighs. His skin was tanned and smooth, but all these things paled in comparison with what was hanging between his legs. He had the same things I did, only his were much larger. His cock was longer and wider than mine, and it looked impossibly hard. A big ridge of flesh bulged around the base of his shaft. I’d gotten a glimpse of it by the water that day. His knot. He had thick, curly hair surrounding it and his balls below it were big too, though just now drawn up tightly. Just looking at him made my stomach clench.