“Why, nigga?”

“She wants more than friendship. Vegas seems to think she’s in love with me.”

“I think she is too. Whenever you came up in conversation, that girl was all smiles. I don’t why, wit’ yo’ mean ass.”

“She’s so young. I knew she was feeling me, but she said she was cool with just being friends. Apparently, it became too much for her when I turned down her advances. You know I respect the hell out of her if I turned her down. She’s beautiful, and I have to admit, I’m extremely attracted to her, but that’s my boy’s lil sister.”


“Although I said I was cool with you and Law, that shit bothered me. You my heart, baby. I didn’t want my boy with my sister. I know how Jericho feels. He knows how I get around in the uncivilized world. The only reason I got over you and Law was because I wasn’t there. Plus, Roulette needed to be handled. I’m glad Law handled that shit and was there for you.”

She took a deep breath. “Jungle… Law and his guys found Roulette, but I’m the one that did that.”

I was quiet as shit. She left me stunned. All this time, I’d assumed Law had killed Roulette’s bitch ass. Fawn had killed Roulette? “Fawn…”

“It’s over now. I felt like you needed the truth. Since you brought him up, there was no better time to tell you. I wanted to be the one to do it. Because of him, I was all alone in H-Town without my family. I had to be the Ice Queen around that bitch. Niggas needed to know that I wasn’t going down without a fucking war. He needed to pay for what he took from me. Not to mention Troy and Gutta.”

“You know that was the last shit we ever wanted you involved in. It was the last thingyouever wanted to be involved in. I can’t believe Law let you do that shit.”

“They were all there. Vegas, Law, Smoke, and a few other niggas that worked for Law. They had my back.”

“I can’t believe that. But what I really can’t believe is how you steered this conversation away from how I wasn’t really feeling you being with my boy. Anyway. Again, I was on lock, and I was glad you had somebody. So I got over that shit. Things are different with me and Jericho. He gave me his blessing, but only if I have my shit together. I’m not sure that I do.”

“First of all, the Jungle I know ain’t never been scared of shit. Why you sound scared about being with Chelsea?”

“Fawn, she’s only thirty. With all the bullshit in her past, she hasn’t even begun to live life yet. There’s a lot of trauma that you don’t know about.”

“Well, enlighten me.”

“Naw. I can’t. That’s for her to tell. But anyway, I didn’t call to talk about all this bullshit. I called to check on my baby sis and my nephews. Where they at?”

“They went to the gun range with Lark. Iceton was ready as hell. Remy, not so much.”

I chuckled at how their personalities were somewhat like Ice and Mega. Mega’s real name was Remy. He wasn’t all that excited to be in the business, but he wanted to be a part of whatever Pop and I were a part of. It seemed like Fawn’s Remy was doing the same thing. “Jungle, quit being scared, man. Go rescue that girl from her misery. I can’t imagine how she’s feeling right now.”

“I’m still talking to Kennedy.”

“Fuck her. Ain’t nobody like her ass but you.”

“Fawn, you don’t even know her.”

“But I know Chelsea. That says a lot about her ass. You need to make a trip to the A though. Whenever you do, bring Chelsea with you. Bye, nigga.”

“Bye, baby.”

I swore she was always trying to be on somebody’s ass. Could have sworn she was older than me. We were almost eight years apart. I stared at my phone for the longest then decided to call Chelsea. Of course, she didn’t answer. At least I wasn’t blocked. When her voicemail beeped, I left a message.

“C-Mar, man, call me. For real. We need to talk.”



“What are you doing here, Jericho?”

“I can’t come check on my mother and my sister?”

“I guess,” I said as I hung my keys on the hook by the back door.