“You just now seeing that shit? For the past three months, I’ve been trying to help you see I’m the woman you need, but you scared. I don’t know if you’re scared of yourself or Jericho, but fear ain’t attractive on a kingpin.”

I frowned at her as she laughed. “And that shit don’t intimidate me, Jungle. If anything… it turns me on.”

She slid her hand over my beard as I scanned her sexy ass. Resisting her was getting harder and harder every time I saw her. She sure in the hell didn’t make it easy. “Quit tripping, C-Mar. I’d break yo’ lil ass in half. I respect Jericho. I respect your ass too. I’ve never been in a serious relationship. Never wanted to be in one until now. Let Kennedy be my test run so I can see if I can even do this shit.”

She rolled her eyes. “You know you wanna fuck me, but I’m gon’ let you make it. Are you going to the wedding next weekend?”

I took a deep breath, thanking God she changed the subject. “Yeah. I could never miss Mel and Sandrene’s wedding. That’s my people. Out of all the Berotte siblings, I think I’m the closest to them. It helps that they live out here. You going?”

“Yeah. That’s the plan, although I don’t want to be close to Seneca and Kaysyn. We go to court in a couple of weeks. It was like whatever Jericho had to say to them didn’t matter. They on some full steam ahead shit.”

I frowned. “Court for what?”

“To keep me away from Jericka… my daughter. It’s like they’re trying to prove me unfit or some shit in case I try to get custody. I honestly think it’s them trying to come at me for whatever Jericho had to say to them. He won’t give me details.”

“Who’s repping you?”

“Nobody. Shy’s firm won’t take either of our cases. It’s a huge conflict of interest.”

“Oh, I get that. For the record, I think they’re wrong for what they’re doing to you. You need a lawyer? I can get you one, baby.”

“I’m so fucking angry. I think I can defend myself, but a lawyer won’t be a bad thing. Maybe they can dig up documentation that I don’t even know to look for.”

“I’ll call someone Monday morning. What are you expecting?”

“I think this is going to blow up in their fucking faces, and the judge will want to grant me custody of my daughter. I’m not the most religious person, and I know Seneca is your people, but God is going to see me through. They are going out of their way to be cruel to me. I don’t deserve that.”

“You don’t. So if the judge grants you custody, what are you going to do?”

“I don’t know.”

“Well, be thinking about what you want. Think about what’s best for Jericka, not about how angry you are. Every petty bone in my body would take her from them without blinking an eye, but ultimately, she would be the one that all this affects the most.”

Chelsea nodded then laid her head on my shoulder as I ate my egg rolls and fried rice. Seneca was definitely my people, but I refused to have his back on this one. While I understood their reasoning, I couldn’t let them railroad Chelsea. Whether she knew it or not, she was my baby and could get whatever she wanted from me. She was already getting that shit without asking.



“Ican’t believe he left my ass here. I brought food and appealed to his sensitivity, then he told me to stay my ass here, and I had better be here when he got back. What kind of shit is that, Whitney?”

She chuckled. “Girl, he looking out for you. You know that. Jungle cares for you a lot, and the last thing he wants you involved in is his bullshit. Quit trippin’ on that man.”

“Ugh! Whose side are you on?”

She laughed again, and I thought she was laughing at me until I heard Jericho’s deep voice say, “Mm. I need you, baby. Chelsea can vent tomorrow.”

“Bye, nasty asses!”

I ended the call then looked at the time to see I’d been here for almost an hour alone. Instead of sulking, I walked around the house, staring at pictures as I always did. Jungle looked just like his father. I understood why his mother named him after him. While Milton wasn’t the most attractive name in the world, the man carrying it was. I didn’t give a fuck what his real name was. He was the only one making a big deal out of it.

His other brother and sister looked like their mother. I’d met Fawn a couple of times, and she was cool people. Her twins, Ice and Remy, were the spitting image of their father, and they’d come down with her the last time she came. They were ten years old, so they hung out with Jungle almost the entire time they were here. I got to hang with her, Amiko, and Sandrene, and we had an amazing time.

Going to the next picture over the mantle, I stared at Jungle’s mother. She was a beautiful woman. Knowing that she died while giving birth to Fawn seemed to still be hard for him. He told me that was what really bonded him to the Berottes, because they had that in common. Although he was a kingpin, it was his sensitive side that melted my heart. I seemed to be the only one that got to see it. That was how I knew he was avoiding the inevitable.

He was going to be mine. This Kennedy chick was grinding my fucking gears. She was only playing with him. He was a smart man, but he was letting her ass get away with too much. She knew she was fucking around with him. That was why she let him talk to her crazy. She was doing just what the fuck she wanted to do. I would bide my time though, because he was worth it.

The way he held me sometimes proved just how much he cared about me. Friendzone or not, I knew a hard dick when I saw one, especially one as big as his. Thankfully, my trauma didn’t make me turn away from sex. It only made me that much more sexual. I thought something was wrong with me until I researched it and talked to Isaiah. He told me that sexual trauma could have different reactions in different people. There was nothing wrong with me. I was grateful that I didn’t shun men altogether. God had kept my mental state in a good place. If I could survive all that, I could survive anything, including this bullshit with Seneca and Kaysyn.