“Well, we all probably need to get going. I have to go back to get Brittany and the girls,” Shy added.
Jericho stood, and I did the same. After shaking his hand, he said, “See you Tuesday?”
“Yep. I’ll make sure your mom and Chelsea get there. So don’t worry about them. Just concentrate on marrying that beautiful woman.”
He gave me a smile, then said, “Thanks, man. I appreciate you. Try to get some rest. Let Vegas take her ass to the airport. You go tend to Fawn. She needs you.”
I looked toward the stairs. “Yeah, you right.”
I glanced outside to see Kennedy sitting at a table with her head resting on it. “I just have to let that bitch know how lucky she is to still be alive.”
He chuckled then slapped my hand again. “A’ight, man.”
I escorted everyone out then made my way to the patio. When she looked up at me, I realized how Fawn had fucked her up even more. She was pleading with her eyes, probably thinking I was about to kill her. “You know had I not known Rondo, you would be a done deal, right? I hope your loyalty to your cousin and the money she paid you was worth all this. You’ve lost everything while she thinking she done got away with this shit.”
“I’m sorry,” she whispered.
“Rondo gave me her information. If that shit ain’t right, I’m coming back for you. I will hunt you down like you a muthafucking deer, and I’m desperate for the taste of venison. You won’t have a chance to even attempt to get away. You done already fucked up by thinking I’m to be played with. Don’t fuck up again, or you won’t live to tell about it.”
I walked away from her and locked her ass outside. A couple of my niggas were outside, watching to make sure her ass didn’t try to leave. Vegas was in the kitchen making a sandwich. When I approached, he said, “I’ll leave with her in a couple of hours.”
I made my way to the stairs to go take care of my family… the woman that needed my undivided attention. When I got to the room and knocked on the door, I could feel her sorrow from outside it. I cracked it open to see her in bed crying. I quickly made my way to her. “I got’chu, baby,” I said as I lay next to her.
She lay on my chest and wrapped her arm around me. I kissed her forehead then stared at the ceiling, thankful that I was able to be here for her this time.
The shopping trip with Whitney and Manman had gone great. I was able to find a dress that fit me like a glove. It wasn’t too extravagant, but it was beautiful. Whitney and Jericho had chosen blue and red as their colors… like the Haitian flag. My dress was blue, and it looked amazing against my skin. Manman’s dress was blue as well. Whitney said her dress mimicked a Haitian flag. Jericho was going to love that.
If Van hadn’t called me twenty times, he didn’t call at all. I answered the first time and let him know that I was spending time with Whitney, before they headed back to Beaumont, and that we were shopping. I also had to schedule my hair and nails appointment for Tuesday morning instead of Wednesday and called to take off Tuesday and Thursday as well. I needed to work, but no one was more important than my brother and his happiness.
I was supposed to be off Sunday, but I went in about midday. It was perfect so I could make up for some of the hours I was missing by taking off Tuesday and Thursday, but it also kept me from going to Jungle’s house yesterday as I had planned. I’d called him a few times, but he didn’t answer.
However, work or not, today would be the day that I showed up at his house. I refused to take no for an answer. I had to rectify things between us. Jungle was an amazing friend and if I still had to settle for that, I would. Being without him was killing me inside.
It was a catch twenty-two. While simply being his friend was hard on me because I wanted more, not having him in my life, in any capacity, was driving me insane. As I scanned a customer’s groceries, I caught sight of Vegas. He was in someone else’s line. Although he tried to act like he wasn’t paying attention to me, I knew he was. That was probably why he was here. When his eyes met mine, he gave me a head nod.
I couldn’t even respond to that shit. However, before he left, I called out to him. “Vegas?”
He turned to me and walked over to my register. “What’s up?”
“I’m coming over when I get off. I’ll be there around five. Can you make sure he’s home? I really need to make sure he’s okay, and he won’t answer my calls.”
He gave me a slight smile. “I got’chu.”
He turned to walk out, but before he could get to the door, I noticed the flowers he had at his side. I didn’t know him to have a girlfriend, but whatever. As I finished scanning groceries for my customer and bid them a good day, Van walked through the sliding doors. I wanted to roll my eyes. He was giving me creep vibes now, and I didn’t like that. His explanation of how he knew Jungle didn’t sit well with me, and I wanted to believe that he knew that.
He’d told me Saturday that he would be off today because he had some personal business to tend to. I didn’t bother asking for any details. Unlike him, I didn’t feel we were on that level where I could be all in his business like he was trying to be in mine. That shit was a turnoff for me. I was already a private person anyway because of my past, but for him to keep pushing, literally pushed me further away from him. He winked at me and headed toward his office.
My shift couldn’t be over fast enough. I only had another hour left, then I would go home to get cleaned up and go see about Jungle. While I knew he would probably portray that he was fine, I knew deep down he wasn’t. I just wanted to hold him and be there for him, offering him everything he offered me: love, loyalty, and sensitivity.
I seemed to zone out in my Jungle haze for my last hour, not remembering a single customer I waited on. Working was a new experience for me. While it helped the time pass, I was so used to doing nothing. My mind stayed on other things, and lately, it had been on Jungle. I couldn’t understand why I was tormenting myself.
After closing my lane and pulling my till from the register, the phone next to me started to ring. I quickly left the register, refusing to be held up. I had shit to do, and my shift was over. I had a feeling it was Van calling anyway. He was the last person I wanted to talk to. Going to the courtesy booth, I counted my cash, then turned my drawer in. Before I could leave, that bastard said over the intercom system, “Chelsea Marcellus to the business office, please.”