“Jules had a shackle on it for the past few weeks to make sure I didn’t go anywhere. I’d tried to leave and got caught. I think that mile-long run to get away with Jericho irritated it more,” she finally said.

I closed my eyes for a moment and exhaled as I pulled her closer. “I’m sorry you had to go through that.”

“That was light compared to all the other shit he did.”

The anger was surging through me, and for the life of me, I couldn’t figure out why. I didn’t know this woman. She slid her hand to mine and held on to it. The tremble in her hand let me know that she still wasn’t totally comfortable, but I would do everything I could to help her relax and feel at peace.

When Vegas drove in the driveway, Jenetta lifted her head and looked around in awe. Her eyes were wide, and her lips had parted. “Wow. This house is beautiful.” She glanced over at me, and I watched her eyes fall to my gold chains hanging around my neck. “You are involved in the same things my brother in Miami is involved in.”

“Don’t compare me to that nigga. Never put our names in the same sentence. You hear me? I ain’t nothing like that muthafucka. My family ain’t nothing like yours. Just because we have the same occupation don’t make us the same. Our dynamics are similar, and that’s why Jericho and I bonded, but naw. We don’t disrespect women in that manner.”

I opened the door to get out of the vehicle, and she was practically on my back, following me out. “I’m sorry. I didn’t mean that you were like him… just that you were into the drug trade. That’s all.”

I nodded at her then closed the door. She was still limping quite a bit, so I picked her up again and headed to the back door. After putting the code in to unlock it, I walked inside and headed straight for the stairs. When I got to Fawn’s old room, I lowered her to her feet. “There’s a bathroom in here where you can take a shower if you want to. I’ll get a T-shirt and shorts for you to wear until Amiko can go shopping for you. I’ll also call a doctor to come look at your ankle today.”

She nodded, so I left her there and headed to my bedroom to get a shirt and basketball shorts that she could tighten to her liking. When I went back, I didn’t see her anywhere. “Yo, Jenetta. Where did you go?”

She quickly stood from the floor and made her way to me. I bit my bottom lip, trying to figure out how we were going to function like this. She lowered her head as if she were embarrassed. “Listen, I got’chu. You safe here. Okay?”

She nodded, but I could see the hesitancy, doubt, and fear coursing through her. Before I could lead her to the bathroom, my phone chimed, indicating I’d received a message. I quickly pulled it from my pocket to see a message from Jericho. I looked up at her and said, “It’s Jericho.”

I lowered my phone where she could see it.We made it out… barely. We have to lay low for a minute. I’ll hit you back when we’re heading your way. Do you have Jenetta?

Don’t worry, I got her. We just got to the house. Check in daily, man. I need to know you’re okay.

Will do. Kiss my sister for me… on the forehead, nigga.

He was in a somewhat playful mood, so that let me know that everything had gone well. I looked over at Jenetta. She’d seen his message just as I had. After nodding, she lifted her head and grabbed my hand then closed her eyes. I took a deep breath, then lowered my head and softly kissed her forehead. Pulling away from her, I lifted my phone and texted back.SMH. A’ight, bruh.

I walked to the bathroom and started the shower. When I glanced back at her, she was just standing there, watching me. She was too damn fine. This shit was dangerous. I didn’t know if she was feeling me or not, but I knew she was sensitive to me since I was keeping her safe. I wasn’t bad on the eyes either, so I knew if I wanted to fuck her world up, she would probably let me.

“There’s shower gel in there for you to use or soap. Whichever you want. My sister left some feminine shit in there the last time she visited.”

As I walked past her, she grabbed my arm. “Jenetta, I’ll be right outside the door. I promise. I don’t think it would be cool for me to be in there while you shower. Jericho would never forgive me for no shit like that.”

She nodded and released my arm. I got towels for her from the cabinet, then left her alone. I sat on the chaise in the room and worked through my thoughts. There was no way she was gonna sleep in here alone. I was extremely attracted to her, and I already knew I wouldn’t be able to be close to her without getting hard. The way I was feeling was so unexpected. Hopefully, Jericho wouldn’t be too long.

The sooner he and his mother got here, the better. He didn’t expect to have to get her, because he was told that she died seven years ago. So he wasn’t prepared mentally or physically for that shit. He should have flown back with Jenetta.

When I heard the water turn off, I pulled the covers back on the queen-sized bed that Fawn always said was fit for a queen such as her. I rolled my eyes at the thought, and a slight chuckle left me. That girl was an entire mess. She’d grown into a beautiful woman though. I turned on the lamp and killed the light from the chandelier then started some music for her. That shit took effort because all I had was rap and shit on my phone.

I was able to find some Jill Scott to hopefully calm her nerves a bit. When she stepped out of the bathroom, she gave me a soft smile. I smiled back then closed the drapes to block out the sun. It was nearing eight in the morning. However, I knew she had to be exhausted. I was tired, so I knew she was.

“I like Jill Scott. Thank you, Jungle.”

I nodded then grabbed her hand and led her to the bed. Before she got in, she lifted my hand to her lips and kissed it.Damn, her lips soft.She brought it to her chest, and it took everything in me to keep from grabbing her by the neck and stripping my clothes off her.Keep it together, Jungle.My dick was starting to harden from my wayward thoughts.

I pulled my hand away from her, and as I turned to exit, she attached herself to me like a damn magnet. “Please don’t leave me in here alone. Please…”

I took a deep breath and headed to the chaise. “I’ll stay. Go get in bed and get some rest.”

She released me, and as I was about to sit, she stood there and stared at me as she fidgeted.Fuck!I pulled my shirt over my head and took off my shoes then headed to the bed with her. When I began unbuttoning my pants, I could see the nerves that took over her. “I have shorts on under these. I can’t lay in bed with jeans on. Never could.”

She nodded nervously then slid in bed. I could see her body trembling. After getting my jeans off, I got in bed with her and stared at the ceiling. When she rolled into me and lay on my chest, I knew I was gon’ have to pull every ounce of restraint from my core to keep from grabbing her ass.

I closed my eyes and wrapped my arm around her. I had to admit that this felt amazing and like something I was missing out on. Maybe I would find a woman that could provide this level of intimacy without a hidden agenda. I’d met a woman a couple of weeks ago at a convenience store that seemed cool, but I didn’t know if she was looking for something serious.

I was feeling her, though, but strangely, not as much as I was feeling Jenetta. It was like her soul was wanting me to rescue it from the turmoil she was in. I didn’t even know how I would begin to do that. I had shit within me that I needed to get a handle on before I could even begin to try to help anyone else.