Page 82 of Dear Pink

“Nope,” Gina says, resting a hand on Gabe’s chest. “She called usgirls.” Her voice sounds firm.

“Yep.Justus girls,” Gabriela adds, and pushes her sisters out of the room, leaving me alone with Gabe.

We stare at one another. The awkward silence hangs heavy, and I can’t read his face.

“Want me to paint your nails?” I finally ask, still on the floor with separators between my toes. Damn it. I made this disaster even worse.

He shakes his head and points at the nail mess on the table. “You’re painting nails? With my sisters?” He sounds confused and maybe a little angry.

I open my mouth to answer but realize I can’t say anything that explains this away. The scene looks bad . . . worse than bad. Maybe I should have hosted the beauty party at my house. At least an audience of Russos wouldn’t be listening from the kitchen.

He inspects me closer, waiting for me to talk. What do I say? “Hey, Gabe, I’m uncool and unadventurous. I kinda suck, but I still crave your mind-blowing sex.” I’d sound like an ass. I should go for the truth. “Sorry I’m a coward, but I can’t risk another broken heart.” But I don’t want him out of my life. Where’s the middle ground here? Ugh. I got nothing.

“Well, this is awkward,” Gabe says and sits on the couch.

He’s freshly showered. His soap scent makes me remember his body meshed on top of mine, the sweet kisses, and his gentle touch. In ass-hugging black pants and a blue fitted button-down, he’s dressed sharper than I’ve ever seen him. He drips with sex.

“Do you have a date?” I say before my brain catches up to my mouth. “Geez. I didn’t mean to ask that. Never mind. None of my business.”

“No date,” he says, making deliberate eye contact. “Mom asked me to dress for dinner tonight.”

“Oh,” I mumble, realizing I’ve been played. Franny deliberately hid in the kitchen this whole time. She probably called Gabe as soon as I arrived.

“Oh, is right,” he agrees.

We stare at each other in silence. I should crawl over and kiss him, and explain the many reasons he shouldn’t hate me. I’m desperate to make him understand, but the explanation is too complicated. How do I reveal the secrets inside me? He fell in love with Libby’s free-spirit. I need him to love mine. What a vile train wreck.

“So, you’re going to be friends with my sisters?” he asks with a clenched jaw and terse tone. I can’t blame him. This is his home and his family.

“I didn't mean to come here. Well, I meant to come for dinner. It wasn’t planned.” I squeeze my head with my hands. “Ugh, I’m not making sense, am I?”

He shakes his head.

“I ran into your mom and sisters at Target. They insisted I come for dinner. I didn't want to. I mean, I wanted to. They’re great. I mean, I didn’t force them to invite me. I was uncomfortable coming here because of how I left things with you.”

His heavy silence fills the room with extra tension.

“Yeah, this looks terrible. I shouldn’t have come. Sorry.”

I stand, my toes spread wide, and search for my shoes. Fuck it. I don’t need my shoes. I hobble over to the chair where my purse hangs and slip the strap over my shoulder.

“Okay. I’ll leave.”

I move quicker than I did at the diner, even with my stuffed toes. I soar forward, my heart beating faster with each step. There’s no time to say thank you or goodbye to anyone. I love that his mom tried to fix our relationship, but it’s too far gone. Gabe hates me, and he’ll never forgive me.

I fly outside. I'm an expert at this escape trick.

Before closing the door behind me, I make a decision. If he follows me, I’ll turn this relationship around . . . I’ll figure out how to fix it. We can be a casual, no strings attached relationship. I will build an emotional wall around my heart . . . at least I’ll try.

Chapter 21 - Gabe

She runs through the house like it’s on fire, and it takes me two minutes to register what’s happening. Hannah left. Again. She’s freaking Houdini.

Mom sent me a text a few hours ago, asking me to dress up for tonight’s dinner. I had no idea Hannah would be here. I assumed Dad invited colleagues over, and she required more testosterone in the house.

I glance around the room. Nail polish in every color of the rainbow covers the coffee table. My sisters definitely get their matchmaking skills from Mom. She’s a pro. When I walked into the living room, my sisters stopped in their tracks. They didn’t expect me for dinner either. I bet Mom orchestrated the whole evening.

I take in the deserted living room. My family enjoys Hannah’s company, but I’m conflicted. I’m drawn to her, but she blew me off. I shake my head and focus on the problem.