Page 76 of Dear Pink

Aunt Agnes cuddles Cinnabon’s furry face in her hands and kisses him. “What kind of person calls this beauty unnatural?”

She’s spot-on. What kind of person? A person who plans a wedding while screwing another man behind your back. A liar. Elise.

“Now, when do I meet this fabulous woman?”

“Soon,” I say, hoping I’m not the liar. There’s no denying Hannah reacted to something at the diner. It’s essential I talk to her.

“Invite her to brunch this weekend. I’ll make my famous quiche Lorraine.”

I put my hand on Aunt Agnes’s. “I promise I’ll ask her the next time I see her. What can I do for you and Cinnabon?”

Aunt Agnes blushes. “Can I be honest with you?”


“I’m here on personal business.”

I feign shock. “This isn’t a vet call?”

“I’m worried about you.”


“When your mother described Hannah, I was ecstatic. Franny says she’s funny and sweet, and she tolerated your sisters.”

I chuckle. “She held her own.”

“I didn’t care for Elise.”

“Youdidn’t?” I can’t hide the sarcasm in my voice.

She slaps my arm. “Well, I was correct. Wasn’t I?”

Where is this conversation headed? “Hannah is different, the complete opposite of Elise,” I say. “She’s kind and makes me laugh. My relationship with Elise was nothing but pretty lies. Don’t worry. I recognize the truth now.”

“Hannah sounds wonderful, and I hope she meets your expectations, but you don’t have to settle.”

“I won’t settle.”

Aunt Agnes remained unmarried after husband number four. She said Cinnabon made a better life partner, but I don’t want to end up with a giant Flemish rabbit. Lolly’s already dangerously close to becoming my domestic partner. I want a future with a caring woman and Hannah has a huge heart.

“You deserve an equal partner. If Hannah turns out to be less, you don’t have to choose her.”

“I understand, Auntie, but my relationship with Hannah is new. We haven’t dated long enough yet to make any judgments.” Plus, what happened in the diner boggles my mind. But I don’t mention this to my aunt.

“Okay, dear.” She pinches my cheek, but not as hard. “Now, lift this guy into his buggy for me.”

I grab the fancy blue-covered baby buggy and roll it over to the examination table. “This is new.”

“Cinnabon’s walking days are over. I cart him around now.”

I eye my aunt in her signature summer Channel suit and guess she doesn’t weigh over a hundred pounds. “How do you get him in and out of this contraption?”

“Thomas helps me.” Thomas works as her personal assistant. He’s worked for her since Uncle Mel died. He’s more her life partner than Cinnabon, but she won’t admit it.

I grunt, lifting him into the buggy. “Maybe he should go on a diet. If he walked more, he wouldn’t be overweight.”

“Hush.” She covers his giant ears. “He only has a few years left. Let him eat all the carrots he desires.”