I lean in my chair, clutching the phone to my chest.
Andre watches me. “Well?”
“She didn’t ghost me. It’s her. She finally answered.”
“What did the text say?”
“Won’t make dinner tonight.”
“Let me guess.Something came up?”
“How did you know? And who cares.” I refuse to enter the dark side. She responded. Our relationship is fine. “There’s nothing wrong with having plans.”
“Sounds like an excuse you give before you ghost someone, Doc.”
“Nope.” I hold the phone tighter, willing him to be wrong. “Hannah didn’t ghost me. I’m certainsomethingdid come up.”
“Hope it’s not another guy’s dick.” Andre takes the puppy and leaves.
“Son of a bitch,” I say to the empty room.
Hannah didn't ghost me. Something came up. I flash to Andre’s comment. She wouldn’t drop me without a conversation. But maybe she met a new guy? She’s fantastic. Could her ex, Jack, be thesomething? She wouldn’t give that jerk a second chance, would she? My hands ball into fists.
Andre pops his head in my office. “Hey, Dr. R.”
“Yeah?” I perk up. Maybe he has another Hannah idea? Better news this time?
“You have a patient waiting in Room 4.”
“Oh,” I say deflated, rising from my chair. “Thanks.”
My mood improves exponentially when I walk into the exam room and see my favorite Leporidae patient. Cinnabon, the gorgeous tawny-colored Flemish Giant rabbit wiggles his nose. He weighs twenty pounds and when he stands on his hind legs, he’s the size of a seven-year-old child. I love this adorable patient and his owner.
“Aunt Agnes, what are you doing here?” Because Cinnabon is an elderly rabbit, I see him regularly, but this is an unscheduled visit.
She pinches my cheeks in an Italian death grip, bringing tears to my eyes. “Happy birthday, my handsome nephew.” She hands me a $100 bill. She’s given me $100 every year since I turned ten. I kiss her cheek and pocket the money. No sense in arguing with her. I’d offend her if I didn’t accept the gift.
“Thank you, Auntie.”
“Franny tells me you’re dating a firecracker.” I wondered how long it would take before news of Hannah reached her ears. Aunt Agnes didn’t care for Elise.
“A bunny his size is unnatural,” Elise said when she set eyes on Cinnabon for the first time. Her rude comment should have been my first clue of Elise’s questionable character. I take Cinnabon’s long ears in my hands and stretch them. He thumps his big hindfoot and nuzzles me. Yeah, he’s huge, but he’s a gentle giant.
Why was I blind when it came to Elise? I consider Andre’s words and worry I’ll repeat those mistakes with Hannah. I shake my head, clearing the thought. No way. She’s different and real.
“Hannah’s great,” I say. “I’d love for the two of you to meet her.” I scratch Cinnabon behind the ears, and he stands on his hind legs, rubbing his nose against mine.
“You know, Cinnabon is a superb judge of character.”
“I do know.” He sniffed out three gold diggers courting Aunt Agnes for her money.
“He peed all over Roger, remember, and he forged my name on checks. And Charlie. Cinnabon chewed through his coat pocket and found my diamond necklace.”
“Cinnabon is a genuine sleuth. You should hire him out to catch liars and cheats.”
She gives me a hard look. “You didn’t heed his warning regarding Elise.”
My face reddens.