Page 68 of Dear Pink

I smolder, and Gabe’s neck flushes. He’s probably remembering our night together after PetSmart too.

“I swear Homer recognizes me,” I say to cull the sexual tension. We’ll never get through brunch if we keep this up. “He pops his little head out any time I’m in the same room,” I continue. “He’s a great friend.”

Gabe swallows hard, straining to gain composure. He ravishes me with his eyes. “It was meant to be,” he chokes. “We don’t get many turtles through rescue organizations. They normally stick to dogs and cats.”

I wipe my forehead with my hand and glance around for our waiter. Thankfully, he walks over with a loaded tray of food. Praise the brunch gods.

The moment the waiter drops his plate on the table, Gabe shoves a huge forkful of potatoes in his mouth. “Starving,” he mumbles.

I cram my mouth full of eggs to distract the lust erupting in my veins.

We both shovel our breakfast into our mouths at a rapid pace, using food to diffuse our desire. The break seems to be working because, after a couple more bites, I’m able to process words again.

“So, those animal organizations?” I say, dropping my fork to the plate. “How are they funded?

Gabe leans forward. “You mean the animal rescues?”

“Yeah. Where do they get their money?”

“Individual donations mainly. Occasionally, a business will sponsor an organization with a lump sum. Nonprofits rely on the kindness of others usually.”

“Huh.” I tear at my paper napkin. “I didn't realize shelters were mostly donation-based.”

“Why? You want to create a turtle rescue?” He sips his coffee.

“No . . . maybe . . .”

Where to spend Libby’s money? $50,000 is a lot to splurge on one charity. Should I reveal Libby’s financial request? If I do, I’ll have to share the entire bucket list. I can’t.

“What would you do if you had extra money sitting around?” I ask.

Gabe’s mouth twists. “Is this a personality dating test?”

“No,” I say but wonder if it isn’t partly true.

“Okay,” he says, brow wrinkled comically in deep thought. “Buy you more sexy pink bike gear of course.”

“Aww. How sweet.” I blow him a kiss across the table. “But seriously, what would you do if you were given a large sum of money to give away?”

“Can I buy a gift for someone else?”

“Sure.” I hand the waiter our plates.

“Maybe send my parents on a trip to India? Mom wants to go, but won’t splurge.” He sips the remaining coffee in his mug.

This man is too sweet. If this was a relationship test, he’s killing it. “What if you couldn't spend the money on anyone you know?”

“Hmm, I don’t know. Why is spending money hard?”

“It’s an important decision, so choose wisely.” I wink.

He crooks his head and smirks. “Thisis a boyfriend test then?”

“No, silly.”

“How much money are we talking about? Ten million? We could change lives in an entire region of the world. Build wells in third world countries.” Gabe’s smile widens and his eyes brighten. Yep, this guy definitely passes the boyfriend test.

I chuckle. “Notthatbig. Much smaller.”