Before I can respond, Booger-Jack puts his hand on my hips and drags me to him. “Hannah, you don’t understand. I want you. We never should have broken up.”
I laugh in his pretty-boy face, and not in an attractive way. The sound is a cackle. My heart jumps into the fray and takes over the fight. “Yeah, you don’t get another chance with all this.” I motion over my body, feigning confidence. Fake it till you make it, baby.
I’ve dreamed of this day. I worked out the exact speech I would give. Figures I can’t remember the script at this pivotal moment, but I need to say something. Finally putting him in his place will be delicious justice.
“You screwed me over once. Never again,” I say. “You’re delusional if you think I want you back. Give me a fucking break.”
Jack-Weasel blushes bright red. He stammers for a minute like a fish gulping for water. He didn’t expect this reaction. Did he think I’d beg for his leftover scraps?
“You should check your ego,” I continue, “because you’re not all that.”
He doesn’t respond, but his eyes go soft with resignation.
I let loose a guttural sound of triumph. I consider fist-bumping the air and dancing in a circle, but that would be too crazy. I give him a serious adult expression instead.
“So, move along.” I poke him in the chest with my finger. “I have better things to do with my time. Gabe’s here, and we have a damn good night planned . . .ya know.”
Penis-Jack glares at Gabe, sizing up his competition. Gabe doesn’t flinch. Part of me wants to witness a fight play out, watch this sexy man fight for me, but I don't condone violence.
I jump in between them. “Go,” I say to Pain-in-the-Jack. “I release you forever.” I speak in a strange magical voice and wave my hands dismissively.
He shakes his head like I’m the crazy one. “You’re missing out,” he says and walks out of the bar.
“As if,” I yell to his retreating form.
I face Gabe and take in his proud face. “Did I really blow off my ex-boyfriend? That’s every wounded heart's dream.” I spin around, doing a happy dance. “Hell yeah! He wanted me, and I told off the jerk.” I spin until Gabe grabs my hand.
“Hannah. Who was that?” His smile disappears. “Do you have a boyfriend?”
“No, of course not.”
“I don’t understand. You texted me. I thought you invited me to your performance for a reason.” He slips his hand out of mine. “I thought we—” He motions his finger between the two of us. “Did I misunderstand the situation?”
His brows raise, and he turns to go.
I grab his arm. “I mean no, not us. You didn’t misunderstandoursituation. I want you here. I invited you for a reason.”
He leans toward me. “You want me here?”
I trace his ear with my fingertip. He’s deadly gorgeous. I didn’t figure guys this sexy had any insecurities, much less voiced them out loud.
“Do you want to be here?” I ask.
“Uhh, yeah.” His jaw ticks. He seems downright nervous like I’m the one who might reject him.
I throw my arms around his neck and press my body into his hard one. His heat instantly turns me on. “Then stay,” I say into his ear, placing wet kisses at the nape of his neck.
“I will.” He withdraws a step. “But really, who was that guy?”
I don’t say howthatguybroke my heart, and he’s the reason I’m seriously screwed up when it comes to relationships. I want to move on. I want to make new memories . . . with Gabe.
“He’s an old high school boyfriend,” I tell him instead. “Ancient history. I don’t know what he was doing here, but I have no interest. At all.”
“You sure?” He touches the top of my bare shoulder, and electric shocks rock through my body.
“Yeah, I’m sure.”