Page 53 of Dear Pink

Gabe’s hands caress my body and move under my skirt. He grips my ass, and I’m aroused to a frenzy. We are making out against a tree like two sex-crazed teenagers when a voice calls our names.

“They’re searching for us,” I say between kisses.

“They’ll never find us.” Gabe moves me around to the other side of the tree, deepening his kiss as he repositions himself.

I surrender under his spell, my hands moving underneath his soft cotton T-shirt. His jeans are slung low on his hips and his sexy v-cut makes me come undone. Our breathing quickens and neither of us realizes we have a visitor until she clears her throat.

“Uh-um, dinner is ready, you two. Unless you’d rather stay here and smooch.”

I peer around Gabe, my lips swollen and my face flushed with heat. Oh, god. Another sister.

“Gabe,” I say, yanking his hands out from under my skirt.

“I’d rather fool around,” he says, still kissing my neck.

A small giggle escapes my lips.

He turns his head and glares at his sister. “Enjoying the show, Giovanna?”

She smirks. “We’re ready for lunch.” She examines me with those Russo amber eyes. “Gabe, I get why you aren’t interested in Tonya.”

And the sexual spell is broken. Tonya? Who’s Tonya? I separate from Gabe, a solid six feet. He looks hurt, but what does he expect? How many exes does this man leave in his wake? Gabe opens his mouth to say something—maybe an explanation or an excuse—but he’s interrupted by another Mediterranean goddess rounding the corner. Turns out this tree is a terrible hiding place.

The woman is familiar. I recognize her from Gabe’s clinic. She worked behind the counter when I brought Lolly in from the parking lot. She escorted an odd woman outside . . . everything comes back to me in an instant . . . the cat lady. Was that Tonya?

Gloria narrows her eyes. She’s figured out who I am at the exact same time. “You’re Hannah?”

“The one and only,” Gabe says.

“Ha.” I spit out a laugh. The one and only? Give me a break. More likely, one in a sea of thousands. I flash back to the bar after the kickball game when Elise showed up. Is this my future with Gabe? Forever, a trail of ex-girlfriends stalking us—me? Nope. This is why I shouldn’t get involved with him further. I won’t allow this gorgeous man to destroy my fragile heart.

Gloria takes my arm as if sensing the tension growing between me and Gabe. She walks me toward the barn. “I’m Gloria. I met you at the clinic. You also met the crazy cat lady, Tonya.”

I gulp. I don’t want to hear the Tonya story. No, wait, maybe I do. Mr. Fancy’s succession of exes makes my head hurt.

“Don’t worry. She means nothing.” Gloria lets go of my arm.

“What?” Before I ask more, Gabe’s beside me. He slips his hand in mine. I consider yanking away, but his family watches us, notably an elegant gray-haired woman who must be Gabe’s mother.

“Hi, Hannah. I’m Franny,” she says, embracing me as Gina did earlier. I hesitate for a moment until her arms tighten around me in a sincere hug. I fall into them. I’m emotionally exhausted, and Franny squeezes me with the strength I need to make it through lunch. She holds me tight, and I’m grateful.

When she releases me, she turns her eyes on Gabe. “Where have you been hiding this dazzling woman?”

“Behind a tree,” Giovanna says in a smartass whisper, and the sisters share a giggle. Gabe flicks off his sister and she winces. “It’s true, Gabe.”

My face bursts into brilliant flames, and I beg the earth to open and swallow me. I search for an excuse to go home. Coming here for a family meal was a huge mistake. I wish desperately for Homer’s shell to hide my embarrassing blush.

“Don’t mind the girls, Hannah,” Franny says, waving her hand at them. She tugs me onto an empty bench. “My daughters can be overwhelming. I’m surprised you haven’t bolted for the front door yet.” She winks at me, and my shoulders relax.

“I contemplated it,” I say, giving her a gentle smile. Like Gina, Franny is a kindred spirit, a calm in a sea of chaos.

“Gabe, go help your father with the pizza dough,” his mom says, commanding him with her finger. Gabe meets my gaze with a raised eyebrow before walking into the house. I nod at him. It’s not totally his fault I’m uncomfortable.

“Now we can talk,” Franny says, her tone conspiratorial.

I fidget on the bench. What’s she going to ask me?

“I’m an only child and my parents are dead,” I nearly blurt to get the uncomfortableness out of the way, but before I open my mouth, Franny picks up my hand and places it in hers. Her warm, smooth skin comforts me. I’m reminded of Gabe’s hands, and a wave of compassion I don’t understand washes over me.