I swear he plans to kiss me. His lips come in for mine. Then the other shoe drops.
“Love muffin.” Elise throws her arms around Gabe’s neck. I try to let go of his hand, but he holds tight.
“Get off me, please,” he says with a firm voice. Is he talking to her or me? I yank my hand away, but he grips tighter, pulling my body to his and knocking Elise’s arms off his neck. He outstretches his free arm to push her farther away from us. “I don’t have time for your drama tonight, Elise.” He turns around, taking me with him, and walks away. I want to look behind me, but worry I’ll turn to stone if I do.
“The team goes out for beers after the games,” Gabe says, stopping by his car in the parking lot. He places his hands on either side of my shoulders, his face above mine. My body presses into the door. “Please say you’ll come?” His pupils dilate, and he wets his lips with his tongue.
The heat rises in my toes and travels to my neck. My breath quickens. I’m speechless. Is this super-hot man about to kiss me? Did he blow off Gweny? I mean, I would sleep with Gwyneth Paltrow. She’s beyond hot.
“So, will you come?” He leans into me. His scent reminds me of a forest after the rain. God, I imagine ripping off his blue jersey and rubbing his maleness over my entire body. I’ve gone mental.
“Uh, okay,” I whisper because I lost most of the air in my lungs. My knees go weak. I might drop on the ground any minute if he doesn’t hold me.
As if reading my mind, he moves his leg between mine, pinning me against the car. His lips brush the nape of my neck and behind my ear. I go mad with desire. If he doesn’t kiss me soon, I will scream. His mouth moves in slow motion, tasting me with his tongue. Every gentle motion lingers in a maddening way. Exquisite.
“Good,” he says, grazing my lips with his. “Let’s take my car.”
He slips away, leaving a vacant cold spot in his place, and opens the passenger door. I climb in like an automaton. I’ve never been this turned on before. Driving out of the parking lot, I wish he’d go straight past the bar and to my house . . . and into my bed. I scan Gabe’s profile. His face is flushed red, and his hands grip the steering wheel.
We walk into the bar, and applause fills the room. “There’s our third base champion! Over here, Hannah. Great game.” I stand dumbstruck by the positive attention.
“See, you’re a rock star,” Gabe says, holding my hand.
The front door of the bar flies open, and I catch Elise enter. She gives me a wicked sneer and flicks her long golden locks behind her. She wasn’t kidding. She wants Gabe and is out for blood. I don’t want to be caught in the crossfire.
“Hey, earth to Hannah.” Gabe waves his hands in front of me. He hasn’t seen her yet, but it’s only a matter of time. The other men in the bar check her out. A few follow her. She wears a skintight white dress, revealing her ridiculously long legs. I’m an Oompa Loompa in comparison, a sweaty one.
“Sorry. Must have zoned out there for a minute.” Why did I come here with him? Oh, yeah, because he hypnotized me with his sexy lips. My vagina led me astray. I better snap out of it.
“May I get you a beer?”
I shake my head no. Should I tell him Elise is sitting across the bar watching him? Maybe he gets off on her jealousy? Gabe twists a lock of my hair behind my ear, and the touch sends ripples through my spine. These mixed messages hurt my brain.
“No?” He furrows his brow. “A glass of water or soda?”
“Yeah, uhh, water.” I stumble over my order. I should ask him about Elise, his supposed fiancée?
Gabe returns a minute later with two waters. Great. He abstained from beer because of me. He steers us into a booth near the team. We sit in silence, sipping our waters and listening to everyone else talk. I made this evening awkward, but I can’t help it. Elise hasn’t taken her eyes off of us. No, wait. Her evil glare stays trained on me. Libby would tell her to fuck off, but I don’t know how Gabe feels. I should ask, but I’m too chicken shit.
I gotta bail. I drink the water in one huge gulp, feeling super unsexy, and slam the glass on the table. “I better get home. I train at 6 a.m. tomorrow.”
He frowns. “So early?” Is his concern an act? Elise tracks me like a velociraptor.
“Yeah. You gonna ride tomorrow?” I ask.
“No. Tomorrow’s our pet adoption day at the clinic. Well, outside the clinic. We place homeless animals in permanent homes.”
“Oh.” I flash to my bucket list.
Oh, hell yeah.Libby’s in my ear.You’re going tomorrow. Bucket item #3.
“Sounds fun.” Unless Elise plans on stalking me there too.
“It’s my favorite event of the year, “Gabe says. “Seeing people and pets fall in love on the spot is like watching magic happen before your eyes.”
My knees wobble. God, am I swooning? I have to leave before the other shoe drops like it always does. The shoe will be Elise’s high heel, crushing my skull without her batting an eye. I slide out of the booth, and he moves to follow me.