“Okay.” She turns to a woman slightly older than I. “Get the media department on the line immediately. We’ll need press shots if we intend to publish before the end of the month. Also, create a branding and social media plan for her today.”
Today? End of the month? I might faint. No, wait. I’m a strong, independent woman. I’ve got this.
Mrs. Burton stands, and the staff follows suit. Before walking out, she drops my pad in front of me. “Go home.” Her eyes travel over my outfit. “Collect yourself because I expect you in my office at 7:00 tomorrow morning.”
“Welcome to the team, Hannah,” Mr. Baker says, following her out.
“Thank you.” My voice sounds wavy and far away.
Who knew you could find your dream on a roof?
June lingers after the remaining staff members file out of the room. “You were always better than the basement. I’m proud of you, dear.” She nudges me in the ribs before she goes.
I’m by myself in the conference room, and I don’t have a clue what to do. Do I go home in the middle of a workday? What about my copy-editing projects? Am I an author now? An artist? Do I still work here?
I walk down the hall in a total daze, unsure which floor button to push in the elevator when Mrs. Burton’s secretary comes around the corner and hands me an appointment card.
“You’ll meet with the lawyers tomorrow morning to sign a publishing contract,” she says. “I’ll have the stylist schedule a couple of fittings for you this week, and you can meet with marketing and social on Friday.”
“Where do I go?” I ask.
She seems puzzled. She probably has no idea I came from the cold basement. “Go home and celebrate. You have a book deal.”
“But I work in copyediting.”
“Not anymore, you don’t. You’re part of the B&B Creative Team now.” She walks out without a backward glance.
I stand alone in front of the elevator doors, and the only person I want to share my news with is Gabe.
Chapter 23 - Hannah
I pull my Honda into a parking space and search for my fellow Hell Raisers. June’s checking the air in her rear tire. I wave.
“Nice bike rack,” she says when I join her.
“I broke down and bought one yesterday.” I couldn’t let Gabe give me his after leaving him in the lurch. Plus, every time I used it would remind me of my mistake. “Where’s Maude?”
“She’s on her way.”
We both wipe away a bead of sweat.
“It’s already Hotter'N Hell in Dallas today, and the heat will be worse in Wichita Falls next weekend,” June says.
“Yep?” she asks. “You’re not concerned, Hannah?”
I shrug. “Why worry about something I can’t control?”
“Doesn’t stop me. I’ve had recurring race nightmares this entire week. The gun fires, and I fall off my bike at the start, and the crowd behind me rides over me like a speed bump. And of course, I’m buck naked. I wake in a pool of sweat evaluating my life choices.”
I gulp, my confidence waning. “You don’t think your dream will actually come true, do you?”
She giggles. “Well, not the naked part.”
I roll my shoulders. “Well, I don’t know what I can handle until I try.” The pitch meeting taught me that lesson.
She crooks her head at me like she’s seeing me for the first time. “Exactly, Hannah. What a great attitude. You must take risks in life if you ever plan on any rewards. It’s why I take part in the race.”